This chipmunk had just emerged from its burrow in a forest clearing. A week earlier, this place would have been under a foot or more of snow. Spring unfolds quickly in the mountains... mid-June, Manning Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada.
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Tags: Yellow-pine Chipmunk Eutamias amoenus wildlife mammal rodent wild nature Manning Provincial Park BC British Columbia Canada
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This little chipmunk was busily foraging in a forest clearing around its burrow, and soon accepted the presence of a large, slow-moving, benign-appearing mammal making metallic clicking sounds. I spent a good hour photographing it as it scurried this way and that, popping down the entrance to its den, only to emerge again moments later. This is another reason why I use a tripod: not only does it stabilize my long lens, but it provides relief for my arms, as I don't have to be exerting muscle strength holding it up for long periods of time.
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Tags: Yellow-pine Chipmunk Eutamias amoenus wildlife mammal rodent wild nature Manning Provincial Park BC British Columbia Canada Flickr'sBestCreatures
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Finding wildlife along a mountain trail in recent years not only gives me a lucky photo op, but also an excuse to stop and catch my breath. This Least Chipmunk was foraging in a small meadow - constantly moving, and more important, ignoring me. There was lots to photograph that day, including some big landscape views where the trail disappeared in talus, scree, and glacial moraine, but this was my favourite moment.
Photographed along the Stanley Glacier Trail in Kootenay National Park, BC. Don't use this image on websites, blogs, or other media without explicit permission © 2013 James R. Page - all rights reserved.
Tags: Least Chipmunk Eutamias minimus wildlife animal mammal rodent foraging beside the trail rock boulder wild wilderness nature Rocky Mountains Canadian Rockies Kootenay National Park BC British Columbia Canada copyrighted James R. Page
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At a rest stop on a trail in the Rockies, this Least Chipmunk came to investigate. It was probably looking for a handout, but I don't feed the wildlife. After a few minutes of scampering over and around a nearby rock pile, it began foraging for its natural food.
I had not hiked this trail since 1977; there were a lot more people on it 36 years later. I remembered hiking through a fairly recent burn the first time - lots of fireweed and blackened stumps in the lower part, before I got into the alpine. Not much had changed in that respect, except that there were signs of more recent fires. This process is ongoing, and is the primary means by which forests regenerate.
Despite what the map claims, this was photographed along the Stanley Glacier Trail in Kootenay National Park, BC (Canada). Don't use this image on websites, blogs, or other media without explicit permission ©2013 James R. Page - all rights reserved.
Tags: Least Chipmunk Neotamias minimus wildlife animal mammal rodent trailside agile rock wild nature wilderness Rocky Mountains Canadian Rockies Stanley Glacier Trail Kootenay National Park BC British Columbia Canada copyrighted James R. Page
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This little chipmunk was right outside our tent early on a cool September morning as the first warmth of the sun started melting the frost. It's eating rose hips, high in vitamin C...
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Tags: Least Chipmunk Eutamias minimus wildlife mammal rodent feeding rose hips frosty morning red autumn wild nature wilderness Yukon Canada
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