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User / Nature by Travis Bonovsky / Sets
142 items

114 photos

My Best Bird Shots
170 photos
After roughly 15 years of bird watching and taking photos, I feel these are the best of my best. I couldn't begin to estimate how many hours have gone into these 170 images! My method is to go out...

Colorful Combinations
207 photos

My Best Butterfly Shots
69 photos

My Favorite Photos of 2023
36 photos

My Favorite Photos of 2022
39 photos

Birds of Spring
1268 photos, 1 video
March - April - May

Birds of Summer
587 photos
June - July - August

Birds of Autumn
677 photos
September - October - November

Birds of Winter
1048 photos, 1 video
December - January - February

Birds and nests or with nesting material
104 photos, 1 video

Birds and Plants
891 photos
Birds perched on or feeding from wild plants, flowers, and trees.

Birds at feeders
16 photos

Birds in Flight
239 photos, 1 video

Birds of the Grassland & Prairie
252 photos, 1 video
1. Sedge Wren 2. Bobolink 3. Meadowlark (Eastern and Western) 4. Dickcissel 5. Field Sparrow 6. Lark Sparrow 7. Grasshopper Sparrow 8. Vesper Sparrow 9. Clay-colored Sparrow 10. LeConte's Sparrow 11....

Birds with Fish or other Aquatic Creatures
10 photos

Birds of Prey (other)
135 photos
Hawks, Falcons, Osprey, Vultures, Harriers. No Eagles or Owls.

Birds Vocalizing
247 photos

Birds with Insects or Larva
36 photos

Birds with fall backdrops
120 photos

Published or Sold Photos
114 photos

Scenery, Landscapes and Foliage
438 photos, 1 video

Minnesota State Parks and SNAs
200 photos
Various images from various Minnesota's system of State Parks and Recreation areas.

Three Rivers Park District
609 photos
Your home to the outdoors www.threeriversparks.org/

Frontenac State Park
18 photos

Crow-Hassan Park Reserve
49 photos
Between St. Michael and Rogers, MN

Carver Park Reserve
69 photos

Mississippi Gateway Regional Park (Hennepin...
109 photos
And Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park (Anoka County)

Silverwood Park St. Anthony, MN
392 photos

North Shore & Lake Superior
100 photos

My Native Gardens
112 photos, 1 video
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Started project in 2015

Plants & Flowers - Native to MN
959 photos

Butterflies, Moths & Caterpillars
777 photos, 2 videos
Too bad summer is short in Minnesota!

Dragonflies and Damselflies
92 photos

American Crow (Corvidae)
10 photos

American White Pelican
14 photos

American Woodcock
35 photos

Blackbirds (ICTERIDAE)
299 photos
Red-winged Blackbird Yellow-headed Blackbird Brewers Blackbird Rusty Blackbird Brown-headed Cowbird Common Grackle Baltimore Oriole Orchard Oriole Eastern Meadowlark Western Meadowlark Bobolink

Brown Creepers (Certhiidae)
77 photos

Brown Thrashers (Mimidae)
24 photos

Buntings and Longspurs (Calcariidae)
26 photos

Cardinals (Cardinalidae)
181 photos

Chickadees and Titmice (Paridae)
177 photos, 1 video

Dickcissel (Cardinalidae)
55 photos

28 photos

Ducks, Mergansers & Coots
552 photos
Another favorite subject of mine, waterfowl can be equally as challenging as other birds. Unlike Mallards who easily tolerate humans, most migrating waterfowl that return in the spring do not. It can...

77 photos

Finches (Fringillidae)
375 photos
Minnesota Finches 1. American Goldfinch 2. Common Redpoll 4. House Finch 4. Purple Finch 5. Pine Siskin 6. Pine Grosbeak 7. Evening Grosbeak 8. Red Crossbill 9. White-winged Crossbill

Flycatchers (Tyrannidae)
84 photos
Flycatchers of Minnesota: 1. Eastern Phoebe 2. Eastern Kingbird 3. Western Kingbird 4. Least Flycatcher 5. Olive-sided Flycatcher 6. Great Crested Flycatcher 7. Eastern Wood Pewee 8. Willow...

Fledglings and Chicks
75 photos

77 photos, 1 video

Gnatcatchers (Polioptilidae)
45 photos

Gray Catbirds (Mimidae)
53 photos

Grebes, Loons & Cormorants
96 photos

61 photos

Gulls and Terns
21 photos

Herons, Egrets, Cranes, Rails, Coots, Bitterns &...
276 photos, 1 video
No Shorebirds

Insects, Bees & Spiders
173 photos
Keeping Dragonflies and Damselflies in a separate album

Horned Larks
27 photos

94 photos

Indigo Buntings (Cardinalidae)
145 photos

Jays (Corvidae)
101 photos

Juncos (Passerellidae)
107 photos

Kinglets (Regulidae)
139 photos

Nuthatches (Sittidae)
97 photos
Only two species of Nuthatch here in MN. White-breasted and Red-breasted.

Orioles (Icteridae)
79 photos

217 photos

Sparrows (Passerellidae)
386 photos
Definitely one of my favorite bird families! I used to be so confused by them all :)

171 photos

28 photos, 1 video
Northern Shrike and Loggerhead Shrike in Minnesota

Swallows, Swifts and Martins
43 photos

56 photos
Trumpeter Swan, Tundra Swan, Mute Swan

52 photos

Thrushes (Turdidae)
314 photos, 1 video
Minnesota Thrushes: 1. American Robin 2. Eastern Bluebird 3. Mountain Bluebird (rare) 4. Gray-cheeked Thrush 5. Hermit Thrush 6. Swainson's Thrush 7. Wood Thrush 8. Veery 9. Townsend's Solitaire...

Vireos (Vireonidae)
84 photos

713 photos
My favorite –and most challenging– birds to photograph are Warblers. If you've ever met a bird enthusiast, they are likely to go on and on about Warblers. This is because Warblers are among the...

86 photos

Wild Game Birds
94 photos
Commonly hunted MN Wild Game Birds

56 photos

269 photos
Nine Woodpecker Species found in Minnesota: 1. Downy Woodpecker 2. Hairy Woodpecker 3. Pileated Woodpecker 4. Red-bellied Woodpecker 5. Northern Flicker 6. Red-headed Woodpecker 7. Yellow-bellied...

Birds (ALL KINDS!)
5781 photos, 4 videos
I never really intended to photograph birds but it has helped me to ID them better. Birds are by far my favorite subject of all and I never tire of both how challenging and rewarding of a subject...

Non-native and captive birds
34 photos

102 photos
Click on each image to see larger

Fall Foliage
209 photos
One of my favorite subjects each year, I have one place in particular where I love to look at the leaves almost more than the birds at Hillside Cemetery in Minneapolis. I especially like that they...

18 photos

Mammals & Marsupials
174 photos
Click on each image to see larger

My Own Yard
145 photos, 1 video
Brooklyn Center, MN

Myself and other birders
12 photos

Reptiles, Amphibians & Gastropods
50 photos

Plants, Flowers and Fungi (all)
797 photos, 1 video

64 photos

Akeley and Walker Minnesota
42 photos
My wife's parents have a family cabin just outside of Akeley, Minnesota. We've taken countless trips here but I've never done much serious birding in the area until this past weekend. On Saturday...

Belwin Conservancy Afton, MN
15 photos

Bloomington/MN River Valley
80 photos
1. Hyland Lake Park Reserve 2. Moir Park 3. Pond-Dakota Mission Park 4. Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge 5. Old Cedar Avenue Bridge 6. Bass Ponds

Carlos Avery WMA
37 photos

Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve and Fish...
48 photos

Centennial Park, Brooklyn Center, MN
19 photos
Shingle Creek watershed

Crex Meadows
12 photos

Falcon Heights Community Park
235 photos

Fridley, MN
153 photos
1. Springbrook 2. Riverfront Regional 3. Northern Stacks Industrial Park 4. Locke Park

North Mississippi Regional Park
1506 photos, 1 video
Over the past few years this area has become one of my favorite placed to go birding besides Palmer Lake Park. Is located just east of I-94 and follows the Mississippi through North Minneapolis. On...

Boom Island Park
14 photos

140th & 180th Street Marsh
11 photos
Rosemount, MN (Dakota County)

Henderson, MN
27 photos

Hillside & Sunset Cemeteries
1458 photos
My newest place to go birding during my lunch hour. Who knew there would be such a variety of birds in a cemetery? I've logged a number of surprising species here including Tufted Titmouse,...

Lake Elmo Regional Park
45 photos

Lake Osakis, MN
23 photos

Lake Shetek and surrounding State Parks
18 photos
Trip to Lake Shetek SP, Camden SP and Kilen Woods SP in May of 2016.

Loring Park Minneapolis
107 photos

Marshall Terrace Park
34 photos
2740 Marshall St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418

Minneopa State Park Mankato, MN
6 photos

MN State Parks Trip May 2012
9 photos
This May we took a weekend trip to Glendalough and Maplewood State Parks just east of Fergus Falls. With my wife along I wasn't necessarily planning on "birding" until we walked only a...

My Big Month (May 2016)
82 photos
Another year of bird watching all 31 days of May. Kind of a birding/photographic challenge for myself to find and photograph a different bird every day.

My Big Month (May 2015)
106 photos
Attempting another month of daily bird watching all 31 days of May 2015. This time my daily outings will not be limited to Minnesota as I have some planned trips to both Wisconsin and South Dakota.

My Big Month (May 2013)
60 photos
After seeing the movie "The Big Year" starring Steve Martin and Jack Black, I was inspired to get out birding more often. I decided to do my own "Big Month" and am attempting to...

Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area Minong, WI
17 photos
Visited on April 11th 2015 with Wild Bill in MN

North Cascades National Park 2019
20 photos
June 2019

Northern MN trip September 2016
11 photos

Palmer Lake Park & Brookdale Park
985 photos, 2 videos
My little slice of heaven is called Palmer Lake Park –a marshland in the middle of two major suburbs of Minneapolis; Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park. I first started visiting this park simply for...

Penn Ponds
49 photos
Shingle Creek holding ponds at 52nd Ave N and Upton Ave. N.

Purgatory Creek Park Eden Prairie
12 photos

Raptor Center University of Minnesota
25 photos
This Saturday afternoon I attended a photography workshop hosted by the Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota. After a tour of the facilities and learning some tips in photography we were...

Reservoir Woods Park
27 photos

Rice Creek North Regional Park
15 photos

Roseville, MN
66 photos

Rocky Mountain National Park
21 photos
For our anniversary this year, my wife and I visited Rocky Mountain National Park from June 8th to the 15th. Amongst all the beautiful mountain scenery there were many interesting birds, mammals and...

Salt Lake WMA Minnesota/South Dakota border
12 photos

Sax-Zim Bog Birding Area
122 photos
Northern Minnesota - St. Louis County

Shakopee, MN
50 photos

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
74 photos
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge consists of 30,700 acres of Federal land dedicated to the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife, and plant resources and...

Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge
25 photos

Vadnais Heights, MN
52 photos

Veterans Memorial Park
72 photos
Veterans Memorial Park is a MUST visit in early May when Warblers return!

Westwood Hills Nature Center St. Louis Park
22 photos

William H. Houlton Conservation Area
13 photos
Elk River (Sherburne County), MN

102 photos

Wood Lake Nature Center & Richfield Lake Park
143 photos, 1 video

Yellowstone National Park 2017
15 photos

Abandoned MN
40 photos
Some photos from my other blog: abandonedmn.blogspot.com

For Leslie
11 photos

Snow Goose or Ross' Goose
6 photos
...you decide 2017!

Travis Bonovsky sample photos
2 photos