I am an accident, a measurement error.
A mud traveler who carries away the current.
I am the savage who overthrows your gods. I'm the "galerna"(*) that whips you.
I conjure to the hurricane!
I look for a strange shore, but I am not Ulysses. Let no one tie me up when the Sirens sing. I don't try to last because I know I'm just an accident.
(*) "Galerna" is a violent storm with strong gusts of wind from the west to the northwest that usually hits, between spring and autumn, the eastern coast of Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country, in the Cantabrian Sea, Atlantic Ocean. Its name comes from the French "galerne" and the Breton "gwalarn".
Soy un Accidente - El Ultimo de la Fila
Plage des Arches de Legzira. Province de Sidi Ifni. Guelmim-Oued Noun. Sud du Maroc, 3 décembre 2023.
The geographic accidents of Legzira, in the form of natural arches of red conglomerate, are of Oligocene origin and sedimentary formation. These natural arches make Lezgira beach one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, according to experts. Each natural arch is formed by a selective removal of rock particles, due to an erosion process influenced by external agents, mainly strong Atlantic currents, tides, waves, winds and some other internal factors of the natural arch. Strong water currents turn these arches into mud travellers in time, over thousands of years. These arches are shaped and worn by erosion, mainly at the base of their structure and in the areas close to the sea water, where the waves and currents reach. In September 2016, the arch to the south of the arch in the photo collapsed and fell. The area of rock that held it up to the sea was very thin and badly eroded. Six months before the collapse, cracks appeared in the rock both at this small support base and in the upper vault of the arch.
Marine erosion will continue to slowly wear away, with the help of time, the red sandstone cliffs of Lezgira. They will do their slow work continuously, day after day. In hundreds or thousands of years, the cliffs and arches of red sandstone of Lezgira will cease to exist and will be history, transforming this beach... into just another beach, like thousands of beaches in the world. These mud travelers will cease to exist, as will happen to you and me, who are also mud travelers carried along by the current of life... that life of which we will one day cease to exist. Each one of us, we are... beginning and end.
Half Falling
Half - Soundgarden
Falling - Finley Quaye
Sweet Surrender - Common Saints
Camina por el laberinto... mi único amigo. Contando la edad... puedo fingir. No tengo miedo... miedo del final. Lo que daría por sentirlo de nuevo otra vez. Todo, solo por sentirlo de nuevo otra vez.
Ecos de eras... horizontes que seguimos. Fines de comienzos... todos perdidos en el mañana. Lo daría todo y un poco más solo por sentirlo de nuevo. Todo, solo por sentirlo de nuevo otra vez.
No tengo miedo... miedo del final... dulce rendición...
Present Tense - Radiohead
Este baile es como un arma de autodefensa contra el presente. Tiempo presente. No me haré pesado. No te hagas pesado. Manténlo ligero y sigue moviéndote. No estoy haciendo ningún daño. Mientras mi mundo se derrumba estaré bailando, enloqueciendo... sordo, mudo y ciego. En ti estoy perdido. No me daré la vuelta cuando caiga la ficha. No me detendré ahora. No aflojaré o todo este amor será en vano. Dejar de caer en una mina no es asunto de nadie, más que mío. Bueno, todo este amor ha sido en vano. En ti estoy perdido.
PS: Pero no me daré la vuelta cuando caiga... tu última ficha... tu último grano de arena.
Legzira Arches Beach. Morocco.
PS: Tu eres el fuego... pero yo la zarza que no se consume...
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