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Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 80mm f/2.8
Kodak Ektachrome E100G
Tags: Greektown Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Kodak Ektachrome E100G TLR twin lens reflex 120 6x6 medium format Kodak chrome slide e-6 color reversal expired discontinued film manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut man cigarette tiger shirt bar door Ektachrome
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Film in Baltimore
Olympus PEN FT and 40mm f/1.4 G-Zuiko Auto-S
Fujifilm Neopan 400 developed in Rodinal (1:50)
Tags: Sowebo Baltimore Maryland Film in Baltimore meet-up Jerome photographer meta Olympus PEN FT 40mm f/1.4 G-Zuiko Auto-S Fujifilm Neopan 400 developed in Rodinal (1:50) 35mm black white bw home developed film half-frame SLR single lens reflex 40 Fuji blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust Zella's Pizza Photography FIB west MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut cameras photographers
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Beautyflex 2.8
Fujichrome Astia 100F
Tags: Greektown Baltimore Maryland Beautyflex 2.8 Fujichrome Astia 100F TLR twin lens reflex 120 6x6 medium format Fuji chrome slide e-6 color reversal expired discontinued film manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban street city MD man standing row house home american flag square Fujichrome Astia 100F
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Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 80mm f/2.8
Kodak Portra 400
Tags: Johnston Square Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Kodak Portra 400 TLR twin lens reflex 120 6x6 medium format c-41 color negative film Portra manual focus analog mechanical parick joust patrickjoust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban street city people person kids playing toy camera playground Kodak 400
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patrickjoust | flickr | tumblr | instagram | facebook | books
Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 80mm f/2.8
Kodak Ektachrome E100G
Tags: Greektown Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Kodak Ektachrome E100G TLR twin lens reflex 120 6x6 medium format Kodak chrome slide e-6 color reversal expired discontinued film manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut BRICS sign guy world land bridge parade Ektachrome
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