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Canon EOS 5D and Nikkor 35mm f/2 Ai
Tags: DSLR digital single lens reflex Nikon EOS adapter Nikkor 35 manual focus patrick joust patrickjoust Baltimore Maryland MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos girl phone glow light
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Konica Hexar RF and Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/4
Fujifilm Neopan 400 developed in Xtol (1:1)
Tags: downtown Baltimore Maryland Konica Hexar RF Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/4 Fujifilm Neopan 400 developed in Xtol (1:1) Michael Brown Eric Garner police brutality injustice protest photographers on tumblr patrick joust film photography artists on tumblr original photography 35mm black white bw home develop Fuji film 21 CV Cosina wide angle lens m39 Leica M screwmount adapter blanc et noir blanco y negro' schwarz und weiss manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban street city officers perimeter demonstration Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f4.0 black lives matter
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Kodak Portra 400
Tags: Mount Vernon Baltimore Maryland Airesflex Kodak Portra 400 photographers on tumblr patrick joust film photography original photography film TLR Twin Lens Reflex 75 120 Nikkor 6x6 medium format c-41 color negative manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust St. Patrick's Day Parade Mt Mount Vernon MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban street city people person men Irish stuff sash square Kodak Portra 400
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Kodak Plus-X Pan (expired long long ago) developed in Xtol (1:1)
Tags: Amiflex Kodak Plus-X Pan expired long long ago developed in Xtol (1:1) photographers on tumblr patrick joust film photography original photography film TLR Twin Lens Reflex 80 120 6x6 medium format black white bw home develop expired blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust west Baltimore Maryland MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban city portrait person boy kid NASA shirt bike bicycle square
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patrickjoust | flickr | tumblr | facebook | books
Konica Hexar RF and Voigtlander Ultron 28mm f/1.9
Legacy Pro 400 developed in Xtol (1:1)
Tags: Sowebo Baltimore Maryland Konica Hexar RF Voigtlander Ultron 28mm f/1.9 Legacy Pro 400 developed in Xtol (1:1) photographers on tumblr Patrick Joust artists on tumblr original photography film photography 35mm black white bw home develop rebranded rebadged Fuji Neopan 400 expired film blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss 28 CV Cosina wide angle LTM Leica Thread Mount M39 M adapter manual focus analog patrick joust west MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut kids children Voigtlander Ultron 28mm f1.9 Aspherical
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