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User / patrickjoust / Sets / Florida
Patrick / 348 items

N 8 B 2.2K C 14 E Dec 1, 2009 F Feb 21, 2010
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Lucky SHD 100 developed in Rodinal (1:50)

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Tags:   Airesflex Lucky SHD 100 developed Rodinal 1:50 TLR Twin Lens Reflex 75mm f/3.5 Nikkor Nikon 120 6x6 medium format black white bw film home develop blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust Little Havana Miami Florida FL soflo US USA United States America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut city urban street Woodlawn Cemetery gravestone grave stone cross man woman Epson V500 V 500 square

N 106 B 12.9K C 30 E Dec 1, 2011 F Feb 2, 2012
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Yashica Mat 124G

Fujicolor Pro 160 NS

Tags:   Yashica Mat 124G Fujicolor Pro 160 NS TLR Twin Lens Reflex 80mm 80 f/3.5 Yashinon 120 6x6 medium format Fuji color c-41 fresh negative film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust Juno Beach Florida FL USA US United States North America Palm County Estados Unidos Aut-Aut park pier ocean sea water sand star trail atlantic square

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Yashica Mat 124G

Fujicolor Pro 160S (converted to black and white in Lightroom)

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Tags:   Yashica Mat 124G Fujicolor Pro 160S TLR Twin Lens Reflex 80mm f/3.5 Yashinon 220 6x6 medium format c-41 color converted black white bw blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss patrick joust patrickjoust manual focus analog mechanical South Florida FL USA US United States Estados Unidos Pawn Dairy shadow Route 1 one empy parking night long exposure cable release tripod Riviera Beach Lightroom soflo bianco e nero 80 fuji square Aut-Aut Epson V500 V 500

N 84 B 9.2K C 2 E Dec 1, 2015 F Jul 23, 2016
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Konica Hexar RF and Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/4

Fujifilm Neopan 400 developed in Xtol (1:1)

Tags:   South Bay Palm Beach County Florida Konica Hexar RF Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/4 Fujifilm Neopan 400 developed in Xtol (1:1) Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f4.0 black white bw M mount LTM leica thread adapter home developed film blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss manual focus analog patrick joust patrickjoust USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut 35mm Fuji Neopan 400 CV Cosina Voigtlander 21mm 21 FL Palm Beach County abandoned tires gas station parking lot trailer

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Canon EOS 5D and Nikkor 35mm f/2 Ai

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Tags:   Canon EOS 5D Nikkor 35mm f/2 Ai 35mmf2ai Miami Zoo Metropolitan Florida USA manual focus people kids children niece Nikon adapter black white bw blanc et noir blanco y negro patrick joust patrickjoust blanc i negre flickr prime lens United States America US Estados Unidos schwarz und weiss soflo bianco e nero 35
