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User / patrickjoust / Sets / perfct
Patrick / 57 items

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N 93 B 18.1K C 9 E Jun 1, 2013 F Nov 19, 2013
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Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 65mm f/3.5

Fujicolor NPL 160T

Tags:   Bass Harbor Maine Mamiya C330 S Sekor 65mm f/3.5 Fujicolor NPL 160T TLR Twin Lens Reflex 65 120 6x6 medium format Fuji c-41 color negative expired tungsten balanced film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical failure error mistake double problem patrick joust patrickjoust Southwest Harbor ME New England Mt Mount Desert Island USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut light stream car auto automobile vehicle parked classic square

N 23 B 14.3K C 22 E Mar 1, 2009 F May 11, 2009
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Asahi Pentax Spotmatic F and Pentax 28mm f/3.5 smc Takumar

Agfa IFF 25 developed @ 100 in Diafine

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Tags:   Asahi Pentax Spotmatic F 28mm f/3.5 smc Takumar Agfa IFF 25 developed 100 Diafine m42 screwmount universal screw mount SLR Single Lens Reflex 35mm black white expired film bw blanc et noir blanco y negro patrick joust patrickjoust manual focus analog Baltimore Maryland USA MD city urban fence chain link sidewalk street row house rowhouse rowhome wide angle kids yard Aut-Aut blanc i negre flickr prime United States America US Estados Unidos Lovely City! schwarz und weiss bianco e nero 28 35 Nikon V ED scanner

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Olympus XA

Agfa IFF 25 developed @ 125 in Diafine

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Tags:   can empty crushed steps famous Olympus XA 35mm lens f/2.8 rangefinder zuiko Agfa IFF 25 ISO home developed 125 Diafine very old film expired dirty West Baltimore Maryland USA City urban decay vacants abandoned patrick joust patrickjoust rowhome rowhouse Sandtown Sand town Harlem Park Aut-Aut Nikon COOLSCAN V ED scanner scan vacant building buildings abandon flickr United States America US Estados Unidos Lovely City! schwarz und weiss bw blanc et noir blanco y negro bianco e nero black white 35

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Nikomat FT and Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 AI

Agfa IFF 25 developed @ 100 in Diafine

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Tags:   veritable benedictine liqueur de l'ancienne abbaye fecamp teapot tea Nikomat FT Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 AI Agfa IFF 25 developed 100 Diafine Nikon home developing 35mm black white film expired fungus old vintage bw blanc et noir blanco y negro manual focus patrick joust patrickjoust SLR SIngle Lens Reflex analog inside apartment Baltimore Maryland USA domestic dirty 50mmf12ai COOLSCAN V ED scanner scan blanc i negre flickr prime schwarz und weiss bianco e nero 35 50 Aut-Aut