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User / patrickjoust / Sets / Canada
Patrick / 283 items

N 240 B 30.6K C 20 E Jul 1, 2014 F Sep 25, 2014
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patrickjoust | flickr | tumblr | facebook | books


Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 80mm f/2.8

Kodak Portra 400 VC

Tags:   Biodome parking lot Montreal Quebec Canada Llewelyn Mamiya C330 S Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Kodak Portra 400 VC photographers on tumblr patrick joust film photography original photography TLR Twin Lens Reflex 120 6x6 medium format c-41 color negative expired film manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust North America Aut-Aut Welly puddle reflection parking garage cable release baby boy carriage water square Kodak Portra 400

N 7 B 5.5K C 3 E Jul 1, 2010 F Aug 22, 2010
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Leica M3 and Zeiss Opton 50mm f/1.5 Sonnar (with adapter)

Arista Premium 400 developed @ 1600 in Xtol (1:1)

Tags:   Leica M3 Zeiss Opton 50mm f/1.5 Sonnar Arista Premium 400 developed 1600 Xtol 1:1 Leitz Wetzlar rangefinder range finder Contax M mount adapter 50 5cm lens 35mm black white bw home develop rebranded Kodak Tri-x film blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss manual focus analog mechanical push processing patrick joust patrickjoust Nova Scotia NS Canada North America Aut-Aut foot feet amy cottage outside Sydney Cape Breton toes Garden Court Cabins rebadged Nikon V ED scanner

N 5 B 3.3K C 3 E Jul 1, 2010 F Aug 23, 2010
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Leica M3 and Zeiss Opton 50mm f/1.5 Sonnar (with adapter)

Arista Premium 400 developed @ 1600 in Xtol (1:1)

Tags:   Leica M3 Zeiss Opton 50mm f/1.5 Sonnar with adapter Arista Premium 400 developed 1600 Xtol 1:1 Leitz Wetzlar rangefinder range finder 50 5cm 35mm black white home develop rebranded Kodak Tri-x film bw blanc et noir blanco y negro schwarz und weiss manual focus analog mechanical dusk Lunenburg Nova Scotia Canada NS North America town UNESCO World Heritage Site Aut-Aut store front strange weird display Nouvelle-Écosse rebadged Nikon V ED scanner

N 29 B 6.3K C 13 E Jul 1, 2010 F Oct 3, 2010
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Lipca Rollop Automatic 2.8

Fujichrome Astia 100F

Tags:   Lipca Rollop Automatic 2.8 Fujichrome Astia 100F TLR Twin Lens Reflex 80 80mm 8cm f/2.8 Enna Werk Ennit Munchen 120 6x6 medium format Fuji chrome slide expired e-6 color reversal film manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust Quebec City Canada North America Aut-Aut urban street empty early morning Ville de Québec Ville de Québec Vieux-Québec sidewalk bike bicycle square Epson V500 V 500 Lithagon QC

N 42 B 9.1K C 13 E Jul 1, 2010 F Dec 28, 2010
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Olympus XA

Kodak 100UC

Tags:   Olympus XA Kodak 100UC Zuiko 35mm f/2.8 lens rangefinder range finder color c-41 expired ultra film manual focus analog patrick joust patrickjoust rural country sticks Nova Scotia Canada NS North America fog green rain rainy foggy street road speed limit evergreen trees tree Aut-Aut Nikon V ED scanner
