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Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 80mm f/2.8
Kodak Ektachrome 64T
Tags: Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Kodak Ektachrome 64T TLR Twin Lens Reflex 120 6x6 medium format e-6 color reversal expired tungsten balanced discontinued film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut car auto automobile vehicle suburb suburban suburbia Kodak Ektachrome
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Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 55mm f/4.5
Fujichrome T64
Tags: Johnston Square Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 55mm f/4.5 Fujichrome T64 TLR Twin Lens Reflex 55 120 6x6 medium format Fuji chrome slide e-6 color reversal expired tungsten balanced film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust east MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban street city row house home church cross jail prison cupola downtown view blue square Johnson Johnston
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Rolleiflex 2.8F
Fujichrome T64
Tags: Rolleiflex 2.8F Fujichrome T64 Percé Quebec TLR Twin Lens Reflex 80mm 80 f/2.8 Zeiss Planar Franke Heidecke 120 6x6 medium format Fuji chrome slide e-6 color reversal tungsten balanced expired film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust Gaspé Peninsula Gaspésie Canada North America Aut-Aut rural coast sticks flowers house blue QC square cabin
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Fujica GW690
Kodak Ektachrome 64T
Tags: Golden Lakes Florida Fujica GW690 Kodak Ektachrome 64T palm tree 6x9 medium format 120 e-6 color reversal Kodak expired tungsten balanced discontinued film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust FL USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut rural palm trees moon light car streak stream Ektachrome Fujica GW690
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Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 65mm f/3.5
Fujichrome T64
Tags: Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 65mm f/3.5 Fujichrome T64 photographers on tumblr patrick joust film photography original photography film TLR Twin Lens Reflex 65 120 6x6 medium format Fuji chrome slide e-6 color reversal expired tungsten balanced cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban street city court house flags clothing donation drop off box door dumpster square
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