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User / patrickjoust / Sets / possible images for SU show
Patrick / 109 items

N 142 B 20.4K C 18 E Oct 1, 2012 F Nov 6, 2012
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Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 80mm f/2.8

Fujichrome T64

Tags:   Old Town Mall Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Fujichrome T64 TLR Twin Lens Reflex 80 120 6x6 medium format Fuji chrome slide e-6 color reversal expired tungsten balanced film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban city Gay Street Obama Mini Mart grocery convenient store man sweeping entrance Obama Mini Mart square person figure doorway

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patrickjoust | flickr | tumblr | facebook | books


Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 STM

Tags:   Federal Hill Baltimore Maryland Canon EOS 5D Mark III Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 STM photographers on tumblr patrick joust original photography DSLR SLR digital single lens reflex 40 night after dark hand held patrick joust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos urban street city portrait person man smoking cigarette smoke alley window red curtain row house home

N 145 B 13.3K C 3 E Jun 1, 2016 F Nov 3, 2016
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patrickjoust | flickr | tumblr | instagram | facebook | books


Mamiya C330 S and Sekor 80mm f/2.8

Kodak Portra 160

Tags:   Sandtown Baltimore Maryland Mamiya C330 S Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Kodak Portra 160 TLR twin lens reflex 120 6x6 medium format c-41 color negative Kodak film cable release tripod long exposure night after dark manual focus analog mechanical patrick joust patrickjoust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut urban street city red light window moon row house home motorcycle Portra 160

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patrickjoust | flickr | tumblr | facebook | books


Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM

Tags:   Fells Point Baltimore Maryland Canon EOS 5D Mark III Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM photographers on tumblr patrick joust original photography DSLR SLR digital single lens reflex night after dark patrick joust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos urban street city portrait bokeh

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patrickjoust | tumblr | facebook | books


Olympus XA

Kodak 100UC

Tags:   Baltimore Maryland Olympus XA Kodak 100UC Olympus XA Kodak 100UC rangefinder Zuiko 35mm f/2.8 c-41 color expired film manual focus analog night after dark timed exposure fog foggy patrick joust patrickjoust MD USA US United States North America Estados Unidos Aut-Aut suburban suburb car auto automobile puddle water square bokeh Speedy Mart ground level gravel
