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User / paul.barden / Sets / 3D printed cameras
Paul Barden / 23 items

N 12 B 1.6K C 2 E Nov 30, 2014 F Nov 30, 2014
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The Car Ride

Tags:   Clipper Pinhole panorama

N 8 B 1.6K C 0 E Sep 6, 2014 F Sep 6, 2014
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Clipper 6x18 panoramic pinhole camera, with Fuji Acros 100 film in D-76 1:1 I am finding I REALLY like Acros 100 film. There is something reminiscent of Kodak Tri-X about it for me.
This is the Second Street Beanery in downtown Corvallis.

Clipper pinhole camera info: pinholeprinted.com Get one!

Tags:   4x5 3dprinter pinhole Beanery Corvallis clipper Acros

N 11 B 3.7K C 0 E Oct 2, 2014 F Oct 2, 2014
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Camera used: The 3-D printed Pinhead 4X5 camera, designed by Todd Schlemm
Film: Ilford Ortho Plus, developed in D-76 stock.
Post-processing: Lightroom + Silver Efex Pro2

Tags:   4X5 pinhole Ortho Plus D-76 Corvallis Pinhead Schlemm

N 8 B 2.0K C 1 E Sep 16, 2014 F Sep 16, 2014
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Camera: Pinhead 4X5 camera (Printed on my Makerbot 3D printer) with .40 mm pinhole, and at 90mm that makes it about f225.
Ilford Delta 100 exposed at 64 ASA and Ilford Reciprocity added. Film was processed in Rodinal 1:25 for 9 minutes.

I metered for the bright side of the left column and then added another half stop of exposure, which - as it turned out - wasn't needed at all (the neg is a bit dense) And yet, the highlight details are in reasonable shape and there's loads of detail in the shadows.

Tags:   pinhole pinhead 3D-printer Ilford Delta Corvallis

N 8 B 1.4K C 0 E Nov 10, 2014 F Nov 10, 2014
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Downtown Corvallis, photographed with Clint O'Connor's 3d-printed pinhole camera, the Clipper, a 6x17cm curved-plane camera. Look up Clint's work at pinholeprinted.com
