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User / PentlandPirate: Slapdash Photography / THE B-29 Superfortress crash site
INNES / 8,242 items
I've wanted to go back for some time, especially with my recently aquired skill with panoramic shots (not as good as some, but I'm getting there).

But it's not the sort of place you go to every day. It's a fair walk across and up and over the peat covered moorland. And at some point you are very likely to walk up into mist/cloud/fog and get lost ....just like the 13 man crew of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress did in 1948, and slammed into the 2000 ft high summit, killing all onboard.

It's a very exposed spot, normally windy and cold, barren and a bit moon-like. How ironic the B-29 had been named "OverExposed" and that they died in a very exposed, bleak place called Bleaklow.

I had heard that the spot had taken a bit of a hammering during the pandemic with large numbers hiking up to the crash-site for Instagram shots. And Mountain Rescue had tried to discourage inappropriately kitted individuals who got lost in the cloud and were at risk from the elements. Today I managed to get there without a problem, even taking a shortcut ( I think, perhaps unintentionally). Unfortunately whilst the cloud wreathed the site atmospherically there was no colour and there was far less visible debris than I remember. Some of the poignant tributes, poppies and flags had gone, the only colour provided by orange peel, crisp packets and glass beer bottles.

Four shapes emerged out of the fog. Two girls, two boys. I heard them saying, "OMG I thought we would never find it!" But they said how worth it it was. They had got lost on the top. Quickly the girls stripped off and pulled on a big bright pink T-shirt each. Some brain cancer charity was mentioned on the front. And then they posed for the photos that obviously confirmed their achievement.

I can't say I got the shots I had envisaged getting but I did want a picture that shows the broader expanse of the site. (there are more in my album from previous visits). www.flickr.com/photos/pentlandpirate/albums/7215771845398... 73 years on from the crash there is still alot to see.

(6 frame pano)
  • Views: 7958
  • Comments: 19
  • Favorites: 92
  • Taken: Feb 27, 2021
  • Uploaded: Feb 27, 2021
  • Updated: Mar 29, 2022