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User / Pepa Quin / Opee Sea Killer and Bongo Submarine
Matt De Lanoy / 1,904 items
Since both of these are swimming through water (use your imagination), I felt the need to make stands to raise them up a bit. The stand for the submarine was an afterthought - I simply needed to make sure that it was raised up to approximately mouth height for the fish. Then I put an octopus on it to show that it's underwater - otherwise who would know?

The stands for the fish took a bit more consideration, and had to be among the first things built. The supports actually go almost all the way to the 'spine) of the fish, and then the sides hang down from that.
The support is strong enough that I can carry the fish by holding just one or the other strut. I plated it with dark blue so that it could 'blend in' whenever I was doing a full scene.

I have placed this (fish only) on LEGO Cuusoo. Vote for this if you want LEGO to create a set like this!
  • Views: 11371
  • Comments: 23
  • Favorites: 90
  • Taken: Feb 9, 2012
  • Uploaded: Feb 10, 2012
  • Updated: Dec 3, 2013