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User / Pepa Quin / Sets / New New York
Matt De Lanoy / 28 items

N 177 B 79.4K C 26 E Jun 23, 2010 F Jun 24, 2010
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This layout is the culmination of a work in progress for over two years. I started with the Planet Express and major characters back in February 2008. In December 2009 I expanded the building to include the sub pen, and built up a portion of the surrounding area. In late April through June 2010, I worked overtime to build an 80"x60" layout, ready in time for Brickworld 2010 on June 17th. This layout is a part of the much larger Northern Illinois Lego Train Club, and may be seen at our various shows in the Chicago area.

To check out all of the creations, building and characters within this layout, view the World of Tomorrow photo collection.

UPDATE, 11/1/10: I finally have a video of the entire layout. Check it out here.

Tags:   otakubutgangsta

N 69 B 37.7K C 13 E Jun 23, 2010 F Jun 24, 2010
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The full layout is 80"x60". The train tracks in front are permanent, as this will normally be displayed at NILTC's shows.

It is always fun to watch a family pass by the display, see the littlest kids get all excited that there is something at their eye level, and have the adults wonder what they're talking about until they, too, look down. Then it's even more fun watching the adults strain to bend down for a look. ;)

N 18 B 28.2K C 2 E Jun 23, 2010 F Jun 24, 2010
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This shot included some overhead lighting from my normal ceiling lights.

N 19 B 26.8K C 1 E Jun 23, 2010 F Jun 24, 2010
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The center of this picture has the original expansion of the layout, kinda, but the roads were completely made over and even the building went through some subtle changes.

N 7 B 25.8K C 3 E Jun 23, 2010 F Jun 24, 2010
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Some people might notice some non-Futurama vehicles placed in this layout. Whenever I do a layout, I never restrict myself to accuracy. Characters from other genres/stories will often find their way to where they 'don't belong'. So for Futurama, where I need lots of flying cars and the like to make it look good, I put in a lot of the speeders from Star Wars that I'd already made.
