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Matt De Lanoy / 9 items

N 112 B 16.9K C 11 E May 22, 2011 F May 22, 2011
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Has this been done before? I'm sure I can't be the first person to think of this, but I can't recall if I've ever seen it before.

Essentially I'm making a building with two roofs, and there's a point where they meet. A piece like this where there's a similar concave slope on the opposite corner would be ideal, but since that doesn't exist, I'll be doing this.

N 22 B 8.8K C 2 E May 30, 2011 F Jun 1, 2011
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For my newest project, I need some windows on a house. I came up with this design, but then rejected it for what I hope are obvious reasons.
Still, I think it's an interesting technique... if you're doing the inside of a room.

N 2 B 5.2K C 0 E May 27, 2011 F May 27, 2011
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Wasn't quite done with the model, here, but I wanted to see how well it was shaping up to the real thing.

N 27 B 6.0K C 18 E May 16, 2011 F Jun 3, 2011
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Originally inspired by Larry Lars, I wanted to create three windows in a silo-like structure. The final design will be similar to the one shown on the right, but with 1x4 tiles instead of the 1x2 cheese slopes (a concession I had to make for the final design :( ).

Later on, I realized I'd actually used that mudguard piece as a window top almost two years ago!

N 14 B 5.0K C 7 E Jun 4, 2011 F Jun 4, 2011
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An alternative to the previous window picture, although I actually built this first. This is the design I will be going with.
