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User / Pepa Quin / Sets / Taco Bellevue Hospital
Matt De Lanoy / 10 items

N 31 B 14.9K C 8 E Jun 22, 2011 F Jun 23, 2011
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For Brickworld this year, and also timed with the start of the new season of Futurama, I decided to make one more building for the World of Tomorrow display. I was debating building this building last year, but I had run out of space (or so I thought) and time. This building replaces the courtyard of MomCorp building, which I honestly never liked much. The hospital was also in far more episodes then the courtyard was, so that's it's trump card.

The Taco Bellevue Hospital, as seen in the show, has a few more wings and additions then I chose to make here. This was done mainly for space reasons - I can't really do the entire thing, so I've just done the main part of the building (as I did for the Palace Hotel from Blues Brothers). I also elected to put the sign on top of the building entrance, also out of need for retail space in the layout.

EDIT: I never got a picture of it at Brickworld, but other people did! Click these links to see it integrated into the World of Tomorrow layout:

Tags:   Futurama Lego Taco Bellevue Hospital Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

N 11 B 6.1K C 4 E Jun 22, 2011 F Jun 23, 2011
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Once again, scale plays a big part in how I build certain features. In the actual building, the entrance door here actually seems to be more like a garage door. As the only space I could give this building was on a 32x32 baseplate, I opted for this design instead.

N 5 B 5.5K C 0 E Jun 22, 2011 F Jun 23, 2011
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Due to the design of the windows, the building ends up being only 31 studs long. I was, however, able to get the correct number of slots along each side (10 for the long side, 8 for the short side).

N 4 B 6.2K C 2 E Jun 22, 2011 F Jun 23, 2011
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The building is raised up by one brick to fit in with the road system of my layout - a minor detail that I forgot and had to rush home to fix on the first night of Brickworld. :)

N 11 B 5.5K C 14 E Jun 9, 2011 F Jun 10, 2011
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Repetition is easy, but it sure takes a long time. :)
This is the last WIP picture - completed pics will be posted a short time after Brickworld!
