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User / Pepa Quin / Sets / Sniper
Matt De Lanoy / 4 items

N 34 B 14.6K C 11 E Aug 9, 2011 F Aug 10, 2011
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In his former life as a tracker of dangerous game in the unforgiving Australian outback, the Sniper would spend months by himself. Prolonged isolation taught him a valuable lesson: You don't have to rely on other people if you never miss.

From Team Fortress 2. Check the bio page for more info and a fun video.

N 6 B 7.2K C 0 E Aug 9, 2011 F Aug 10, 2011
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Most miniland figs are seen from the front (or else you see things like the massive holes in his legs, here), but I added on the sniper's quiver anyway.

N 15 B 7.9K C 4 E Aug 9, 2011 F Aug 10, 2011
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Not as happy with this, but it looks good from a short distance away so that's what really matters. I've been discovering that Miniland style is more about getting proportions right then details.

This is my only build in this series where I used non-LEGO parts.

N 13 B 10.3K C 0 E Aug 10, 2012 F Aug 14, 2012
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Here's everything I brought to the show. With much less space then last year I had to get a bit creative in how to display. Dr. Horrible got put in the back but most everything else was easily visible to viewers. To save space, and since I was on the edge, I attached the Order of the Stick mosaics to the side of Andy's Room.
Not as many people recognized the Order of the Stick as I would have hoped at a comic convention. :(

Here's a video fly-by I took of our display.
