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User / Pepa Quin / Sets / Blue Team
Matt De Lanoy / 10 items

N 54 B 22.3K C 14 E Oct 5, 2011 F Oct 6, 2011
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So I had started working on the blue team counterparts a few weeks ago, but I found that many of the parts I had used for Red were simply not available in blue colors. I'm not liking some of the substitutions I was forced to make (not seen here), so I think I'm near the end of this little project.

On to the next...

Tags:   Team Fortress 2 Lego TF2 Blue Sandvich

N 31 B 9.4K C 13 E Oct 14, 2011 F Oct 14, 2011
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"How am I going to stop some big mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind? The answer: use a gun. And if that don't work... use more gun."

Last one!

The Sentry was a challenging build. It didn't take all that long, but it is a very delicate construction so a lot of care was needed.

This will likely be the last of my TF2 constructions, unless I get really inspired at some later date.

N 7 B 5.0K C 1 E Oct 14, 2011 F Oct 14, 2011
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I had to make this quite a bit different from the actual gun. All the main parts are there, but due to the intricacies of the actual model I had to opt for a simpler approach. The Lego chain does not have enough give to feed from the top of the gun into the cylinder in back, so I just attached thm to the base of the gun instead. There's a few other things, but even so I'm quite happy how it turned out.

N 15 B 11.0K C 3 E Oct 15, 2011 F Nov 3, 2011
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This is from a few weeks ago at our Glen Ellyn Library show.

For anyone interested, I've uploaded a new video to YouTube showing off all of these figures. Check it out here.

N 34 B 16.7K C 13 E Dec 18, 2011 F Dec 19, 2011
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When not out fighting, the gang likes to relax a little down at the local alley.

Inspired by this and this (but not this).

Apparently, this is becoming a new fad. ;)
