Kohlweißling - pieris brassicae
Sony Alpha 1 with FE 70-200 F4 G2
Tags: Natur Schmetterlinge Tiere Kohlweißling cabbage white pieris brassicae darktable butterfly bokeh ILCE-1 SEL70200G2
Kleiner Perlmutterfalter - issoria lathonia
Sony Alpha 1 with FE 70-200mm F4 G2 and 1.4x Teleconverter
Tags: Natur Schmetterlinge Tiere fritillary Perlmutterfalter Kleiner Perlmutterfalter issoria lathonia darktable butterfly insect bokeh ILCE-1 SEL70200G2 SEL14TC
Bläuling - polyommatus
Sony Alpha 1 with FE 90mm F2.8 Macro
Tags: Natur Schmetterlinge Tiere common blue polyommatus Bläuling butterfly insect darktable bokeh ILCE-1 SEL90M28G summer Sommer
Bläuling - polyommatus
Sony Alpha 1 with FE 90mm F2.8 Macro
Tags: Natur Schmetterlinge Tiere common blue blue polyommatus Bläuling butterfly insect darktable bokeh summer Sommer ILCE-1 SEL90M28G
Taubenschwänzchen - macroglossum stellaratum
Sony Alpha 1 with FE 70-200mm G2 and FE 1.4x Teleconverter
Tags: Insekten Natur Tiere hummingbird hawkmoth Taubenschwänzchen macroglossum stellaratum darktable butterfly ILCE-1 SEL70200G2 SEL14TC bokeh