I was invited to take photos of the holiday party of the B612 Foundation, which is dedicated to track asteroids that potentially hit Earth. We definitely want to avoid a disastrous event like the extinction of dinosaurs. B612 was founded by the two astronauts. One is Edward Tsang "Ed" Lu, who I captured here with the vintage Dream Lens. The bubbly bokeh is from whiskey bottles hanging from the ceiling of the bar, also called Bottle Keeping.
I processed a soft and a photographic HDR photo from a RAW exposure, blended them selectively, and carefully adjusted the color balance and curves. I welcome and appreciate constructive comments.
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-- ƒ/0.95, 50 mm, 1/90 sec, ISO 1600, Sony A7 II, Canon 50mm f0.95 "Dream Lens", HDR, 1 RAW exposure, _DSC5391_hdr1sof1pho1e.jpg
-- CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, © 2024 Peter Thoeny, Quality HDR Photography