It is not their outfit that distinguishes them from us, but their mindset. A charlatan is a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill in order to obtain money, power, fame, or other advantages. For example, charlatans would tell the British government they could instantly deliver Covid-related protection materials whereas, in reality, they bought the supplies like everybody else in China, sold them on to the UK government for twice the price, and then exported the profits to their tax-free bank accounts on one of the Caribbean islands. Such persons are charlatans, even when sitting in the House of Lords. Another example are politicians claiming that “Brexit” would save the NHS and usher Britain into a golden future whereas, in reality, untold damage was done to the nation. Finally, charlatans would try to convince the poor that their lot would only get better if the rich got richer whereas, in reality, the opposite is the case. Charlatans are not content to sell fake medicines, they want to run the country. To their advantage.
Tags: Charlatans UK Politics
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Sometimes, one would wish to emigrate. I know, it's wishful thinking. However, here in the UK, and given the situation we are in, Australia and New Zealand are desirable places indeed - and not just weather-wise. Our political imagination has been constipated, and there is little light at the end of the tunnel. OK, enough. We are going to stay. We will be cleaning up the mess we ourselves have got us into. It will take a couple of years. Fuji X-E3.
Tags: Emigration UK Future
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And I am going to run for President in 2024. You couldn't wait, could you? Waiting for me. The one and only. Me, the only one who can and will save America. Everybody knows me. Some do fear me. And they should. I am going to wipe their liberal smile off their faces. But most of you love me. I love you too as long as you love me. Together, we are going to clean up their mess. We are going to make them look very sad. So sad. But you will see great things. Great things! You will be great and glorious again. Glorious! You and me. Great. It is me. It is me again. So glorious!
Fuji X-E3 and another near-octogenarian.
Tags: USA Presidency
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... one needs knowledge, a set of skills, good training and a sense of responsibility when getting gas pipes into the ground and making sure that energy arrives at people's homes. This is what we would expect, of course. However, and by comparison, you don't need any of these qualities if you want to become the British Prime Minister. Actually, the moral and intellectual requirements are so refreshingly low these days that any pig having its snout firmly in the trough could apply. And they did. Fuji X-E2 plus Helios 44M-7 at F11.
Tags: Pipes Gas UK Prime-Minister Satire
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Have you heard, it's in the stars
Next July we collide with Mars?
Well, did you ever?
What a swell party, a swell party
A swellegant, elegant party this is!
[Trying to cope with the unceremonious dumping of Mrs Truss' tax cutting plans. Not because the people revolted, it's the "markets" that did not like it]
Fuji X-E2 plus Samyang wide-angle lens at F5.6.
Tags: Trussonomics Party UK
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