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User / Cyprus Bird Watching Tours / Sets / Goose (Anserini)
Matthew Smith / 13 items

N 17 B 5.9K C 6 E Nov 5, 2015 F Nov 5, 2015
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Wild. 8th Cyprus Record
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The red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) is a brightly marked species of goose in the genus Branta from Eurasia. It is sometimes separated in Rufibrenta but appears close enough to the brant goose (Branta bernicla) to make this unnecessary, despite its distinct appearance. It is currently classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. Branta is a Latinised form of Old Norse Brandgás, "burnt (black) goose and ruficollis is from the Latin rufus "red" and collis "necked".[2]

All the species of the Branta genus are distinguished by their dark sooty colour, relieved by white, and as a distinction from the grey geese of the genus Anser. Among the species from these two genera, the red-breasted goose is the smallest at 53–56 cm (21–22 in) in length.[3] This brightly marked species is unmistakable, but can be surprisingly difficult to find amongst brent geese. At long distances, the red of the breast tends to look dark.[4]

The red-breasted goose breeds in Arctic Siberia, mainly on the Taymyr Peninsula, with smaller populations in the Gydan and Yamal peninsulas.[5] Most winter along the northwestern shores of the Black Sea in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine (occasionally moving further southwest to Greece), but some winter in Azerbaijan.[5] It is a rare vagrant to Great Britain and other western European areas, where it is sometimes found with flocks of Brent or barnacle geese.[4] However, since it is common in captive wildfowl collections, escapees outside its usual range are fairly frequent. While incubating, the red-breasted goose stays within a 1.5km range of its nest.[6] Male red-breasted goose tend to guard the nest of their young from a distance while the females generally hide on the nest.[7] The main predator for red-breasted geese eggs and goslings is the Taimyr Gull which have access to nests located on river islands.[6]

They traditionally wintered in Kirov Bay in the Caspian Sea, but in the 1960s the area became unsuitable for the geese due to the agricultural change. Vineyards and cotton replaced the cereal crops used by the wintering geese. However, catastrophic population decline was avoided because they were able to alter their migration strategy and now winters in suitable habitats in Bulgaria and the Dobrogea region of Eastern Romania.[8]

In the late Pleistocene the species' range expanded southward to Bulgaria [9]

Calls of red-breasted goose – ki-kui or ki-yik, shrill and staccato.

The red-breasted goose often nests close to nests of birds of prey, such as snowy owls, peregrine falcons and rough-legged buzzards, which helps to protect this small goose from mammalian predators such as the Arctic fox.[3][4] The closer the nest to the eyrie, the safer the goose is from predation.[10] Based on the size and how timid the geese are, they rely on the eagles for defense. It's extremely unusual for the eagles to attack, but is still possible. Additionally, the larger the colony the safer it is. This in turn positively influences the survival and reproductive success of the red-breasted goose. Aside from nesting close to birds of prey, red-breasted geese nest on islands on rivers which also protects them from land-based predators.[6] However, there is evidence that the red-breasted goose will prefer to nest near birds of prey over the choice of a river island.[7] In contrast to the birds of prey that offer the red-breasted goose protection from predators, which choose to place their nests in the open cliff side, this goose will create a cryptic nest hidden much better than the birds of prey nests.[7] A typical red-breasted goose colony is around 4 pairs depending on nest location, food abundance, and bird of prey density.[6]

While wintering, the red-breasted goose feeds on grasses, leaves and seeds.[5] Since owl and buzzard populations fluctuate every few years, depending on lemming abundance, the only consistent protection from predators are river islands and the peregrine falcon.[6]

In Autumn of 1997 the population was estimated to be around 88,000 individuals.[11] In the Winter these numbers can shrink to around 70,000. The red-breasted goose is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies. The red-breasted goose is legally protected in many states, however hunting is still continued. The AEWA is monitoring the species and providing up to date information on the status of the species, its habitat, migrations, ecology, and conservation needs.[12] It was considered a Vulnerable species by the IUCN. Over 80% of the population roost during the winter at just five sites, with nearby feeding areas threatened by changes in land use. In addition, there has been a strong decline in numbers in the last decades. However, it is possible that this decline may have been exaggerated, as it is possible that some birds may winter at unknown sites. The species' winter distribution has already changed significantly since the 1960s when much of the population occurred along the western coast of the Caspian Sea, in Iran, and in Iraq. Some birds may now be wintering farther west as indicated by recorded counts of 2,000 birds in Hungary as of the winter of 2014, whereas counts previously only accounted for a few hundred. As it is not clear to what extent the known population fluctuates in this species—as in other Arctic geese—and given the worsening outlook for the species as a whole, the red-breasted goose was uplisted from a species of Least Concern to Endangered status in the 2007 IUCN Red List.[1][13] In 2015 it was relisted as Vulnerable.[1] There have been attempts to conserve the species, such as in 2005-2008, a Life-funded project in Romania was implemented so that the habitat quality of an important salt water lake used by the species was increased.[14] The Life Programme and AEWA hosted a workshop in February 2009 for the species that aimed to draft a new International Species Action Plan and report the results of the Life project.[12]

In 2011, Ornithologists from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB/BirdLife in Bulgaria) and the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust enacted a project that would lead to a greater understanding of the red-breasted geese's migration patterns. Six red-breasted geese were branded and given miniature GPS transmitters. The red-breasted geese will now be tracked via satellite. Scientist and conservationists alike hope that learning about the geese's migration patterns will lead to proper conservation and more aggressive policies in the geese's territory. Some prior counts have revealed a more positive discovery, noting an increase in the geese's population. This led to a prediction which states there may be over a fifty percent increase in their population.

In February of 2013, the Bulgarian court had overturned a decision which prohibited an energy wind project from continuing their work in an important winter site for the threatened red-breasted geese. The construction of wind turbines in the area not only threaten the geese by being an obstacle that they fly into. The area they are being constructed in will also deprive red-breasted geese of a critical feeding ground. As of now, an appeal had been sent to court to convince the court otherwise.

BirdLife International (2015). "Branta ruficollis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2015: e.T22679954A84085554. Retrieved 5 January 2016.
Jobling, James A (2010). The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. pp. 77, 341. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
Ogilvie, Malcolm; Young (2002). Wildfowl of the World. p. 50. ISBN 1-84330-328-0.
Svensson, Lars (2009). Birds of Europe (2nd ed.). Princeton University Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-691-14392-7.
"Species factsheet: Branta ruficollis".
Prop, Jouke; Quinn, John (2003). Constrained by available raptor hosts and islands: density-dependent reproductive success in red-breasted geese (102 ed.). Oikos. p. 571.
Quinn, John (2003). "Predator protection or similar habitat selection in red-breasted goose nesting associations: extremes along a continuum". Animal Behavior. doi:10.1006/anbe.2003.2063.
Sutherland, W.J. & Crockford, N.J. 1993. Factors affecting the feeding distribution of Red-breasted Geese Branta ruficollis wintering in Romania. Biological Conservation 63:61-65.
Boev, Z. (1998). Sur la presеnce de la bernache a cou roux Branta ruficollis (Pallas, 1769) au wurm en Bulgarie. Branta. 3. pp. 18–19.
Quinn, John (April 2002). "Trading-off risks from predators and from aggressive hosts.". Springer Link. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Retrieved 29 October 2015.
Quinn, John (April 2000). "Direct and Indirect Estimates of Peregrine Falcon Population Size in Northern Eurasia". The Auk. Retrieved 29 October 2015.
"Red-breasted Goose | AEWA International Working Group". www.redbreastedgoose.aewa.info. Retrieved 2015-10-30.
"What's new (2007)". BirdLife International. 2007. Archived from the original on 28 August 2007. Retrieved 26 August 2007.
Raduescu, L. 2013. Conservation efforts for Red-breasted Goose in Romania. TWSG News - Bulletin of the Wetlands International - IUCN SSC Threatened Waterfowl Specialist Group 16: 7.

Tags:   bird nature flickr canon cyprus colour color sunny bright wildlife endangered rare rarities

N 7 B 4.1K C 2 E Nov 5, 2015 F Nov 5, 2015
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Wild. 8th Cyprus Record
* I can't but think this image would make a good clock ;)
The red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) is a brightly marked species of goose in the genus Branta from Eurasia. It is sometimes separated in Rufibrenta but appears close enough to the brant goose (Branta bernicla) to make this unnecessary, despite its distinct appearance. It is currently classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. Branta is a Latinised form of Old Norse Brandgás, "burnt (black) goose and ruficollis is from the Latin rufus "red" and collis "necked".[2]

All the species of the Branta genus are distinguished by their dark sooty colour, relieved by white, and as a distinction from the grey geese of the genus Anser. Among the species from these two genera, the red-breasted goose is the smallest at 53–56 cm (21–22 in) in length.[3] This brightly marked species is unmistakable, but can be surprisingly difficult to find amongst brent geese. At long distances, the red of the breast tends to look dark.[4]

The red-breasted goose breeds in Arctic Siberia, mainly on the Taymyr Peninsula, with smaller populations in the Gydan and Yamal peninsulas.[5] Most winter along the northwestern shores of the Black Sea in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine (occasionally moving further southwest to Greece), but some winter in Azerbaijan.[5] It is a rare vagrant to Great Britain and other western European areas, where it is sometimes found with flocks of Brent or barnacle geese.[4] However, since it is common in captive wildfowl collections, escapees outside its usual range are fairly frequent. While incubating, the red-breasted goose stays within a 1.5km range of its nest.[6] Male red-breasted goose tend to guard the nest of their young from a distance while the females generally hide on the nest.[7] The main predator for red-breasted geese eggs and goslings is the Taimyr Gull which have access to nests located on river islands.[6]

They traditionally wintered in Kirov Bay in the Caspian Sea, but in the 1960s the area became unsuitable for the geese due to the agricultural change. Vineyards and cotton replaced the cereal crops used by the wintering geese. However, catastrophic population decline was avoided because they were able to alter their migration strategy and now winters in suitable habitats in Bulgaria and the Dobrogea region of Eastern Romania.[8]

In the late Pleistocene the species' range expanded southward to Bulgaria [9]

Calls of red-breasted goose – ki-kui or ki-yik, shrill and staccato.

The red-breasted goose often nests close to nests of birds of prey, such as snowy owls, peregrine falcons and rough-legged buzzards, which helps to protect this small goose from mammalian predators such as the Arctic fox.[3][4] The closer the nest to the eyrie, the safer the goose is from predation.[10] Based on the size and how timid the geese are, they rely on the eagles for defense. It's extremely unusual for the eagles to attack, but is still possible. Additionally, the larger the colony the safer it is. This in turn positively influences the survival and reproductive success of the red-breasted goose. Aside from nesting close to birds of prey, red-breasted geese nest on islands on rivers which also protects them from land-based predators.[6] However, there is evidence that the red-breasted goose will prefer to nest near birds of prey over the choice of a river island.[7] In contrast to the birds of prey that offer the red-breasted goose protection from predators, which choose to place their nests in the open cliff side, this goose will create a cryptic nest hidden much better than the birds of prey nests.[7] A typical red-breasted goose colony is around 4 pairs depending on nest location, food abundance, and bird of prey density.[6]

While wintering, the red-breasted goose feeds on grasses, leaves and seeds.[5] Since owl and buzzard populations fluctuate every few years, depending on lemming abundance, the only consistent protection from predators are river islands and the peregrine falcon.[6]

In Autumn of 1997 the population was estimated to be around 88,000 individuals.[11] In the Winter these numbers can shrink to around 70,000. The red-breasted goose is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies. The red-breasted goose is legally protected in many states, however hunting is still continued. The AEWA is monitoring the species and providing up to date information on the status of the species, its habitat, migrations, ecology, and conservation needs.[12] It was considered a Vulnerable species by the IUCN. Over 80% of the population roost during the winter at just five sites, with nearby feeding areas threatened by changes in land use. In addition, there has been a strong decline in numbers in the last decades. However, it is possible that this decline may have been exaggerated, as it is possible that some birds may winter at unknown sites. The species' winter distribution has already changed significantly since the 1960s when much of the population occurred along the western coast of the Caspian Sea, in Iran, and in Iraq. Some birds may now be wintering farther west as indicated by recorded counts of 2,000 birds in Hungary as of the winter of 2014, whereas counts previously only accounted for a few hundred. As it is not clear to what extent the known population fluctuates in this species—as in other Arctic geese—and given the worsening outlook for the species as a whole, the red-breasted goose was uplisted from a species of Least Concern to Endangered status in the 2007 IUCN Red List.[1][13] In 2015 it was relisted as Vulnerable.[1] There have been attempts to conserve the species, such as in 2005-2008, a Life-funded project in Romania was implemented so that the habitat quality of an important salt water lake used by the species was increased.[14] The Life Programme and AEWA hosted a workshop in February 2009 for the species that aimed to draft a new International Species Action Plan and report the results of the Life project.[12]

In 2011, Ornithologists from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB/BirdLife in Bulgaria) and the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust enacted a project that would lead to a greater understanding of the red-breasted geese's migration patterns. Six red-breasted geese were branded and given miniature GPS transmitters. The red-breasted geese will now be tracked via satellite. Scientist and conservationists alike hope that learning about the geese's migration patterns will lead to proper conservation and more aggressive policies in the geese's territory. Some prior counts have revealed a more positive discovery, noting an increase in the geese's population. This led to a prediction which states there may be over a fifty percent increase in their population.

In February of 2013, the Bulgarian court had overturned a decision which prohibited an energy wind project from continuing their work in an important winter site for the threatened red-breasted geese. The construction of wind turbines in the area not only threaten the geese by being an obstacle that they fly into. The area they are being constructed in will also deprive red-breasted geese of a critical feeding ground. As of now, an appeal had been sent to court to convince the court otherwise.

BirdLife International (2015). "Branta ruficollis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2015: e.T22679954A84085554. Retrieved 5 January 2016.
Jobling, James A (2010). The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. pp. 77, 341. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
Ogilvie, Malcolm; Young (2002). Wildfowl of the World. p. 50. ISBN 1-84330-328-0.
Svensson, Lars (2009). Birds of Europe (2nd ed.). Princeton University Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-691-14392-7.
"Species factsheet: Branta ruficollis".
Prop, Jouke; Quinn, John (2003). Constrained by available raptor hosts and islands: density-dependent reproductive success in red-breasted geese (102 ed.). Oikos. p. 571.
Quinn, John (2003). "Predator protection or similar habitat selection in red-breasted goose nesting associations: extremes along a continuum". Animal Behavior. doi:10.1006/anbe.2003.2063.
Sutherland, W.J. & Crockford, N.J. 1993. Factors affecting the feeding distribution of Red-breasted Geese Branta ruficollis wintering in Romania. Biological Conservation 63:61-65.
Boev, Z. (1998). Sur la presеnce de la bernache a cou roux Branta ruficollis (Pallas, 1769) au wurm en Bulgarie. Branta. 3. pp. 18–19.
Quinn, John (April 2002). "Trading-off risks from predators and from aggressive hosts.". Springer Link. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Retrieved 29 October 2015.
Quinn, John (April 2000). "Direct and Indirect Estimates of Peregrine Falcon Population Size in Northern Eurasia". The Auk. Retrieved 29 October 2015.
"Red-breasted Goose | AEWA International Working Group". www.redbreastedgoose.aewa.info. Retrieved 2015-10-30.
"What's new (2007)". BirdLife International. 2007. Archived from the original on 28 August 2007. Retrieved 26 August 2007.
Raduescu, L. 2013. Conservation efforts for Red-breasted Goose in Romania. TWSG News - Bulletin of the Wetlands International - IUCN SSC Threatened Waterfowl Specialist Group 16: 7.

Tags:   bird nature flickr canon cyprus colour color sunny bright wildlife endangered rare rarities

N 3 B 5.0K C 0 E Oct 16, 2014 F Oct 16, 2014
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The Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) is a member of the duck, goose, and swan family Anatidae. It is native to Africa south of the Sahara and the Nile Valley.

Egyptian geese were considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians, and appeared in much of their artwork. They have been raised for food and extensively bred in parts of Africa since they were domesticated by the ancient Egyptians. Because of their popularity chiefly as ornamental bird, escapes are common and small feral populations have become established in Western Europe.[2][3]

The Egyptian goose is believed to be most closely related to the shelducks (genus Tadorna) and their relatives, and is placed with them in the subfamily Tadorninae. It is the only extant member of the genus Alopochen, which also contains closely related prehistoric and recently extinct species. mtDNA cytochrome b sequence data suggest that the relationships of Alopochen to Tadorna need further investigation.[4]

The generic name is based on Greek ἀλώπηξ (alopex'), "fox", and χήν (chen) "goose", referring to the ruddy colour of its back. The species name aegyptius is from the Latin Aegyptius, "Egyptian".[5]

It swims well, and in flight looks heavy, more like a goose than a duck, hence the English name.[6] It is 63–73 cm (25–29 in) long.

The sexes of this species are identical in plumage but the males average slightly larger. There is a fair amount of variation in plumage tone, with some birds greyer and others browner, but this is not sex- or age-related. A large part of the wings of mature birds is white, but in response the white is hidden by the wing coverts. When it is aroused, either in alarm or aggression, the white begins to show. In flight or when the wings are fully spread in aggression, the white is conspicuous.[7]

The voices and vocalisations of the sexes differ, the male having a hoarse, subdued duck-like quack which seldom sounds unless it is aroused. The male Egyptian goose attracts its mate with an elaborate, noisy courtship display that includes honking, neck stretching and feather displays.[8] The female has a far noisier raucous quack that frequently sounds in aggression and almost incessantly at the slightest disturbance when tending her young.[9]

This species breeds widely in Africa except in deserts and dense forests, and is locally abundant. They are found mostly in the Nile Valley and south of the Sahara. While not breeding, it disperses somewhat, sometimes making longer migrations northwards into arid regions of the Sahel.[7] It has also been introduced elsewhere: Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, and Germany have self-sustaining populations which are mostly derived from escaped ornamental birds.[2] Escapes have also bred on occasion in other places, such as Florida and New Zealand.[2] The British population dates back to the 18th century, though only formally added to the British list in 1971.[10] In Britain, it is found mainly in East Anglia, in parkland with lakes.[11] It was officially declared a pest in the U.K. in 2009.[12]

This is a largely terrestrial species, which will also perch readily on trees and buildings. Egyptian geese typically eat seeds, leaves, grasses, and plant stems. Occasionally, they will eat locusts, worms, or other small animals.

Both sexes are aggressively territorial towards their own species when breeding and frequently pursue intruders into the air, attacking them in aerial "dogfights".[9] Neighbouring pairs may even kill another's offspring for their own offsprings' survival as well as for more resources.[13]

This species will nest in a large variety of situations, especially in holes in mature trees in parkland. The female builds the nest from reeds, leaves and grass, and both parents take turns incubating eggs.[8] Egyptian geese usually pair for life. Both the male and female care for the offspring until they are old enough to care for themselves.[13]

BirdLife International (2012). "Alopochen aegyptiaca". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 26 November 2013.
Braun, D.G. (2004). "First documented nesting in the wild of Egyptian Geese in Florida" (PDF). Florida Field Naturalist. 32 (4): 138–143.
Dohner, Janet V. (2001). The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds. Yale University Press. ISBN 030013813X.
Sraml, M.; Christidis, L.; Easteal, S.; Horn, P.; Collet, C. (1996). "Molecular Relationships Within Australasian Waterfowl (Anseriformes)". Australian Journal of Zoology. 44 (1): 47–58. doi:10.1071/ZO9960047.
Jobling, James A (2010). The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. pp. 33, 42. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
"What characteristics distinguish Egyptian Geese?". Archived from the original on 16 June 2013.
Madge, Steve; Burn, Hilary (1988). Waterfowl: An Identification Guide to the Ducks, Geese, and Swans of the World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. pp. 170–171. ISBN 0-395-46727-6.
"Egyptian Goose Fact Sheet". Lincoln Park Zoo. Archived from the original on 19 Jul 2011.
MacLean, Gordon L.; Roberts, Austin (1988). Roberts Birds of Southern Africa. Hyperion Books. ISBN 978-1-85368-037-3.
Holloway, Simon (2010). The Historical Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1875-1900. A & C Black. ISBN 9781408128664.
"Egyptian goose". RSPB. 13 December 2012. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
McCarthy, Michael (30 September 2009). "Britain's naturalised parrot now officially a pest". The Independent. London. Retrieved 1 May 2010.
"Egyptian Goose". Honolulu Zoo. Archived from the original on 2 April 2012.

Tags:   bird nature flickr canon cyprus colour color sunny bright wildlife rare rarities

N 1 B 2.8K C 0 E Oct 16, 2014 F Oct 16, 2014
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Typical Goose Stretch Pose
The Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) is a member of the duck, goose, and swan family Anatidae. It is native to Africa south of the Sahara and the Nile Valley.

Egyptian geese were considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians, and appeared in much of their artwork. They have been raised for food and extensively bred in parts of Africa since they were domesticated by the ancient Egyptians. Because of their popularity chiefly as ornamental bird, escapes are common and small feral populations have become established in Western Europe.[2][3]

The Egyptian goose is believed to be most closely related to the shelducks (genus Tadorna) and their relatives, and is placed with them in the subfamily Tadorninae. It is the only extant member of the genus Alopochen, which also contains closely related prehistoric and recently extinct species. mtDNA cytochrome b sequence data suggest that the relationships of Alopochen to Tadorna need further investigation.[4]

The generic name is based on Greek ἀλώπηξ (alopex'), "fox", and χήν (chen) "goose", referring to the ruddy colour of its back. The species name aegyptius is from the Latin Aegyptius, "Egyptian".[5]

It swims well, and in flight looks heavy, more like a goose than a duck, hence the English name.[6] It is 63–73 cm (25–29 in) long.

The sexes of this species are identical in plumage but the males average slightly larger. There is a fair amount of variation in plumage tone, with some birds greyer and others browner, but this is not sex- or age-related. A large part of the wings of mature birds is white, but in response the white is hidden by the wing coverts. When it is aroused, either in alarm or aggression, the white begins to show. In flight or when the wings are fully spread in aggression, the white is conspicuous.[7]

The voices and vocalisations of the sexes differ, the male having a hoarse, subdued duck-like quack which seldom sounds unless it is aroused. The male Egyptian goose attracts its mate with an elaborate, noisy courtship display that includes honking, neck stretching and feather displays.[8] The female has a far noisier raucous quack that frequently sounds in aggression and almost incessantly at the slightest disturbance when tending her young.[9]

This species breeds widely in Africa except in deserts and dense forests, and is locally abundant. They are found mostly in the Nile Valley and south of the Sahara. While not breeding, it disperses somewhat, sometimes making longer migrations northwards into arid regions of the Sahel.[7] It has also been introduced elsewhere: Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, and Germany have self-sustaining populations which are mostly derived from escaped ornamental birds.[2] Escapes have also bred on occasion in other places, such as Florida and New Zealand.[2] The British population dates back to the 18th century, though only formally added to the British list in 1971.[10] In Britain, it is found mainly in East Anglia, in parkland with lakes.[11] It was officially declared a pest in the U.K. in 2009.[12]

This is a largely terrestrial species, which will also perch readily on trees and buildings. Egyptian geese typically eat seeds, leaves, grasses, and plant stems. Occasionally, they will eat locusts, worms, or other small animals.

Both sexes are aggressively territorial towards their own species when breeding and frequently pursue intruders into the air, attacking them in aerial "dogfights".[9] Neighbouring pairs may even kill another's offspring for their own offsprings' survival as well as for more resources.[13]

This species will nest in a large variety of situations, especially in holes in mature trees in parkland. The female builds the nest from reeds, leaves and grass, and both parents take turns incubating eggs.[8] Egyptian geese usually pair for life. Both the male and female care for the offspring until they are old enough to care for themselves.[13]

BirdLife International (2012). "Alopochen aegyptiaca". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 26 November 2013.
Braun, D.G. (2004). "First documented nesting in the wild of Egyptian Geese in Florida" (PDF). Florida Field Naturalist. 32 (4): 138–143.
Dohner, Janet V. (2001). The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds. Yale University Press. ISBN 030013813X.
Sraml, M.; Christidis, L.; Easteal, S.; Horn, P.; Collet, C. (1996). "Molecular Relationships Within Australasian Waterfowl (Anseriformes)". Australian Journal of Zoology. 44 (1): 47–58. doi:10.1071/ZO9960047.
Jobling, James A (2010). The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. pp. 33, 42. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
"What characteristics distinguish Egyptian Geese?". Archived from the original on 16 June 2013.
Madge, Steve; Burn, Hilary (1988). Waterfowl: An Identification Guide to the Ducks, Geese, and Swans of the World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. pp. 170–171. ISBN 0-395-46727-6.
"Egyptian Goose Fact Sheet". Lincoln Park Zoo. Archived from the original on 19 Jul 2011.
MacLean, Gordon L.; Roberts, Austin (1988). Roberts Birds of Southern Africa. Hyperion Books. ISBN 978-1-85368-037-3.
Holloway, Simon (2010). The Historical Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1875-1900. A & C Black. ISBN 9781408128664.
"Egyptian goose". RSPB. 13 December 2012. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
McCarthy, Michael (30 September 2009). "Britain's naturalised parrot now officially a pest". The Independent. London. Retrieved 1 May 2010.
"Egyptian Goose". Honolulu Zoo. Archived from the original on 2 April 2012.

Tags:   bird nature flickr canon cyprus colour color sunny bright wildlife rare rarities

N 2 B 5.7K C 1 E Oct 16, 2014 F Oct 16, 2014
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The Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) is a member of the duck, goose, and swan family Anatidae. It is native to Africa south of the Sahara and the Nile Valley.

Egyptian geese were considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians, and appeared in much of their artwork. They have been raised for food and extensively bred in parts of Africa since they were domesticated by the ancient Egyptians. Because of their popularity chiefly as ornamental bird, escapes are common and small feral populations have become established in Western Europe.[2][3]

The Egyptian goose is believed to be most closely related to the shelducks (genus Tadorna) and their relatives, and is placed with them in the subfamily Tadorninae. It is the only extant member of the genus Alopochen, which also contains closely related prehistoric and recently extinct species. mtDNA cytochrome b sequence data suggest that the relationships of Alopochen to Tadorna need further investigation.[4]

The generic name is based on Greek ἀλώπηξ (alopex'), "fox", and χήν (chen) "goose", referring to the ruddy colour of its back. The species name aegyptius is from the Latin Aegyptius, "Egyptian".[5]

It swims well, and in flight looks heavy, more like a goose than a duck, hence the English name.[6] It is 63–73 cm (25–29 in) long.

The sexes of this species are identical in plumage but the males average slightly larger. There is a fair amount of variation in plumage tone, with some birds greyer and others browner, but this is not sex- or age-related. A large part of the wings of mature birds is white, but in response the white is hidden by the wing coverts. When it is aroused, either in alarm or aggression, the white begins to show. In flight or when the wings are fully spread in aggression, the white is conspicuous.[7]

The voices and vocalisations of the sexes differ, the male having a hoarse, subdued duck-like quack which seldom sounds unless it is aroused. The male Egyptian goose attracts its mate with an elaborate, noisy courtship display that includes honking, neck stretching and feather displays.[8] The female has a far noisier raucous quack that frequently sounds in aggression and almost incessantly at the slightest disturbance when tending her young.[9]

This species breeds widely in Africa except in deserts and dense forests, and is locally abundant. They are found mostly in the Nile Valley and south of the Sahara. While not breeding, it disperses somewhat, sometimes making longer migrations northwards into arid regions of the Sahel.[7] It has also been introduced elsewhere: Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, and Germany have self-sustaining populations which are mostly derived from escaped ornamental birds.[2] Escapes have also bred on occasion in other places, such as Florida and New Zealand.[2] The British population dates back to the 18th century, though only formally added to the British list in 1971.[10] In Britain, it is found mainly in East Anglia, in parkland with lakes.[11] It was officially declared a pest in the U.K. in 2009.[12]

This is a largely terrestrial species, which will also perch readily on trees and buildings. Egyptian geese typically eat seeds, leaves, grasses, and plant stems. Occasionally, they will eat locusts, worms, or other small animals.

Both sexes are aggressively territorial towards their own species when breeding and frequently pursue intruders into the air, attacking them in aerial "dogfights".[9] Neighbouring pairs may even kill another's offspring for their own offsprings' survival as well as for more resources.[13]

This species will nest in a large variety of situations, especially in holes in mature trees in parkland. The female builds the nest from reeds, leaves and grass, and both parents take turns incubating eggs.[8] Egyptian geese usually pair for life. Both the male and female care for the offspring until they are old enough to care for themselves.[13]

BirdLife International (2012). "Alopochen aegyptiaca". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 26 November 2013.
Braun, D.G. (2004). "First documented nesting in the wild of Egyptian Geese in Florida" (PDF). Florida Field Naturalist. 32 (4): 138–143.
Dohner, Janet V. (2001). The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds. Yale University Press. ISBN 030013813X.
Sraml, M.; Christidis, L.; Easteal, S.; Horn, P.; Collet, C. (1996). "Molecular Relationships Within Australasian Waterfowl (Anseriformes)". Australian Journal of Zoology. 44 (1): 47–58. doi:10.1071/ZO9960047.
Jobling, James A (2010). The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. pp. 33, 42. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
"What characteristics distinguish Egyptian Geese?". Archived from the original on 16 June 2013.
Madge, Steve; Burn, Hilary (1988). Waterfowl: An Identification Guide to the Ducks, Geese, and Swans of the World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. pp. 170–171. ISBN 0-395-46727-6.
"Egyptian Goose Fact Sheet". Lincoln Park Zoo. Archived from the original on 19 Jul 2011.
MacLean, Gordon L.; Roberts, Austin (1988). Roberts Birds of Southern Africa. Hyperion Books. ISBN 978-1-85368-037-3.
Holloway, Simon (2010). The Historical Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1875-1900. A & C Black. ISBN 9781408128664.
"Egyptian goose". RSPB. 13 December 2012. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
McCarthy, Michael (30 September 2009). "Britain's naturalised parrot now officially a pest". The Independent. London. Retrieved 1 May 2010.
"Egyptian Goose". Honolulu Zoo. Archived from the original on 2 April 2012.

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