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User / John Woolley Photos / Sets / October 1977
John Woolley / 15 items

N 12 B 9.8K C 1 E Oct 16, 1977 F Apr 18, 2011
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Standing on the “scrap road” at Toton depot on a grey autumn day is the remains of 20018, 16th October 1977.

Locomotive History
The most successful batch of Type 1 locomotives ordered under the Modernisation Plan were the English Electric series, later classified class 20. The initial order of 1956 was for twenty locomotives (D8000 – D8019) and these were delivered during 1957/58. 20018 is one of this original batch of class 20 locomotives, originally D8018 and was allocated to Devons Road MPD in Bow, London for cross-London transfer freight duties. When Devons Road closed in February 1964 it transferred to Stratford followed by spells at Tinsley and Gateshead. D8018 was one of a batch of ten class 20’s (D8018 – D8027) transferred from the Eastern Region to Scotland (Polmadie) in January 1967 to eliminate the remaining steam duties in the Motherwell area. Its stay in Scotland was short as by 1969 it was allocated to York before returning to Scotland (Haymarket) in the early 1970’s before arriving at Toton in 1974. During 1976 20018 was one of six class 20’s (20012/14/18/38/62/74) surprisingly withdrawn being condemned in the December and after lingering at Toton eventually made its way to Glasgow works were it was broken up in April 1978.

Tags:   16th October 20018

N 91 B 9.1K C 20 E Oct 16, 1977 F Jun 16, 2020
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A grey and misty October morning in 1977 finds me on the approach road to Toton MPD and being overtaken by 20157 and 20082 light engine, 16th October 1977.

As a 35mm Kodachrome 64 colour transparency this shot did not have a lot going for it and was lucky to have avoided the waste paper bin forty odd years ago, even by my rather less demanding 1977 quality standards, This is another one of my less successful efforts that has been salvaged somewhat by converting to black and white.

Locomotive History
20157 was originally D8157 and is one of the later batch of class 20’s built in 1966/67. It entered traffic in September 1966, allocated to D16, Nottingham Division which was effectively Toton and was withdrawn from Toton twenty four years later in October 1990 having (as far as I can tell) been a Toton engine all its life. It was broken up at MC Metals, Glasgow during May 1992.

Praktica LTL

Tags:   16th October D8157 20157 Praktica LTL Epson 4490 New Photo Distillery

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20194 and 20141 wait on a sunny Autumn Saturday on one of the center roads at Nottingham station for the road to the sidings to stable over the rest of the weekend, 22nd October 1977.

Locomotive History
20194 was originally D8194 and was built by English Electric at the Vulcan Foundry works in 1967. It was initially allocated to Toton and was to spend, as far as I can tell, its whole career allocated to here until withdrawn in January 1992. In 1982 20194 was stored when a large number of Toton’s vacuum braked class 20 fleet were stored due to the reduction in coal traffic from pit closures and the continued introduction of air braked MGR coal wagons. 20194 was re-instated in 1983 following a visit to Crewe works for a General classified repair and fitment of air brake and slow speed control equipment to enable it to operate MGR coal duties. Following withdrawal in 1991 it was sold to DRS in 1997 who refurbished and renumbered it 20313. It was stored by DRS in December 2008 and is currently (January 2013) in store at Carnforth. 20141 was delivered from English Electric’s Vulcan Foundry works in 1966 as D8141 and was withdrawn in September 1991 and broken up by MC Metals, Glasgow in August 1993

Tags:   22nd October D8194 20194 20313

N 12 B 7.9K C 1 E Oct 23, 1977 F Apr 8, 2011
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A PWay relaying job at Kettering Junction and 25270 is on engineer’s duty as it manoeuvres a train of “Dogfish” ballast hoppers over the new S & C, 23rd October 1977.

Locomotive History
25270 betrays its Scottish Region initial allocation with its cabside recess to accommodate tablet catcher equipment. It was originally D7620 and is one of a batch of thirteen class 25’s (D7611 – D7623) built at Derby in 1966 for Scottish Region duties. These were the only class 25’s delivered with a cabside recess and were allocated to Eastfield MPD. They spent much of their time in South West Scotland, quickly sending many of the remaining steam fleet allocated to Ayr, Hurlford and Dumfries MPD’s into store and withdrawal. D7620 came south to the London Midland Region in mid 1968 being swapped with steam heating boiler fitted class 25’s and by the end of the year was a Toton engine. It would remain a Toton engine for virtually the rest of its career until withdrawn in November 1982. It was broken up in May 1986 at Swindon works.

Tags:   23rd October 25270

N 51 B 17.5K C 19 E Oct 22, 1977 F Sep 9, 2013
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By 1977 the booked locomotive for 1M72, Harwich – Manchester boat train was a Stratford class 47, however on the 22nd October 1977 we have a type 3 substitution in the form of Stratford allocated 37265 arriving at Nottingham.

Locomotive History
37265 was built by English Electric at the Vulcan Foundry works and was released to traffic as D6965 in February 1965, allocated to Sheffield Darnall MPD. It quickly moved on to Wath until the autumn of 1967 when it was involved in a strange swap of locomotives. D6701 -09 transferred from Stratford to Wath (41C) between October and December 1967 at the same time as D6960 - 68 were transferred to Stratford from Wath. On arrival at Stratford D6960 - 68 were also reclassified to D17/3 (Pre TOPS locomotive classification) which suggests they were modified on arrival. It would appear that on arrival at Stratford D6960 - 68 were dual brake fitted and received the Clayton RO2500 steam heating boilers from D6701 -09. One wonders why they went to all this trouble? D6965 would remain a Stratford engine for the next fourteen years, apart from a spell at to March in 1969 until transferred to Landore in November 1981. 37265 transferred north to Eastfield in October 1982, moving on to Motherwell in May 1985. In November 1985 37265 entered Crewe works for a heavy general repair (refurbish) with the generator being replaced with a Brush BA1005A alternator, the fitment of electric train heating and renumbering to 37430. On release from Crewe 37430 transferred to Cardiff for Cambrian line and South Wales duties. In January 1991 it transferred to Immingham but could be found on passenger duties in the North West. In May 1992 it returned to Scotland (Eastfield, then Motherwell) for West Highland sleeper duties before being stored in March 2000 at Motherwell. Officially withdrawn in March 2008 it was broken up at EMR, Kingsbury in May 2008.

Praktica LTL, Kodachrome 64

Tags:   22nd October D6965 37265 37430 Kodachrome 64 Praktica LTL Kodachrome
