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User / John Woolley Photos / Sets / August 1976
John Woolley / 136 items

N 80 B 8.1K C 16 E Aug 21, 1976 F May 21, 2022
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In 1976 Cambridge station had two Class 03 pilot duties and on the 21st March 1976 one of those duties is being undertaken by 03008. In the background is a Southern Region 4SUB EMU no doubt on its way for disposal at the coaching stock crematorium otherwise known as the Snailwell fire tunnel. This facility reduced interior fittings to ash and sped up the process of dealing with scrap coaching stock.

Locomotive History
03008 was originally D2008 and was built at Swindon Works, entering traffic in January 1958, allocated to Cambridge MPD where it would remain until it was withdrawn twenty years later in December 1978. Its final journey would take it to back to its birth place, Swindon Works where it was broken up during March 1979.

Praktica LTL, Orwochrome UT18

Tags:   21st August D2008 03008 Praktica LTL Epson V600 Orwochrome UT18 New Photo Distillery

N 86 B 8.9K C 19 E Aug 8, 1976 F Aug 12, 2020
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Withdrawn 03058 stands in Doncaster Works yard on the 8th August 1976.

Locomotive History
03058 was originally D2058 had been built at Doncaster Works seventeen years earlier, entering traffic in May1959, allocated to Gateshead MPD. It remained at Gateshead until November 1966 when it transferred to Barrow in Furness where it remained until withdrawn in June 1975. It would linger at Doncaster Works for another six months until broken up during February 1977.

Praktica LTL, Kodachrome 64

Tags:   8th August D2058 03058 Praktica LTL Epson V600 New Photo Distillery Kodachrome 64

N 115 B 17.2K C 60 E Aug 8, 1976 F Sep 20, 2020
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Doncaster Works on the 8th August 1976 was as busy breaking up locomotives as it was repairing them. Here we see three of the more interesting locomotives, than the rows of class 24's, awaiting the torch. Leading the row is 03091, built at Doncaster works as D2091 and entering traffic in May 1960, allocated to Bradford Hammerton Street MPD. 03091 was the first TOPS renumbered class 03 to be withdrawn when condemned in March 1974 only a couple of weeks after renumbering. Next is 2173 which was the last unrenumbered class 03 withdrawn (November 1973). Last in the row is "baby deltic” 5901 which was withdrawn in December 1969 but was set aside for departmental use, although hardly used. Finally sent to Doncaster works for breaking up and was the last of the class. All three would linger for a few more months before they were broken up in February/March 1977.

Rescanned 20th September 2020

Praktica LTL, Kodachrome 64

Tags:   8th August D5901 D2173 D2091 03091 Kodachrome 64 Praktica LTL

N 92 B 9.3K C 20 E Aug 15, 1976 F Mar 26, 2021
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A “bunk round” my local depot Toton on the 15th August 1976 finds stabled by the fuel roads 08021.

Locomotive History
08021 was originally 13029 and then later under the 1957 renumbering scheme D3029. It was built at Derby Works and entered traffic October 1953. For the first half of its career, it was based in the West Midlands with its first allocation being Tyseley. In August 1960 it transferred to Stourbridge Junction and then to Bescot when Stourbridge closed in April 1967. It transferred to Toton in July 1968 (one of the Class 10) replacements where it remained until withdrawn in December 1986. Following withdrawal it has entered preservation and is the resident shunter at the Tyseley Locomotive Works, its first home in 1953.

Praktica LTL, Orwochrome UT18

Tags:   15th August D3029 08021 Praktica LTL Orwochrome UT18 Epson V600 New Photo Distillery

N 97 B 10.9K C 29 E Aug 8, 1976 F Aug 14, 2020
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A relatively ex works 08057, having been released from Derby Works five months earlier has been in some sort of altercation and has suffered a bashed in cab. It is standing in the yard at Doncaster Works on the 8th August 1976 and you would assume that it is there for the collision damage to be repaired. However, the damage proved to be surprisingly fatal as it had actually been withdrawn a couple of weeks earlier. It would linger around Doncaster Works for another nine months before being broken up during May 1977.

Locomotive History
08057 was built by Darlington Works as 13071 and entered traffic in November 1953 allocated to Hull Diarycoates MPD. Three months later it transferred to Hull Springhead before returning to Dairycoates in March 1955. It subsequently became D3073 in the 1957 renumbering scheme and transferred to York in July 1960 before again returning to Dairycoates in September 1964. It transferred to Bradford Hammerton Street in June 1965 and Healy Mills in October 1966.

Praktica LTL, Kodachrome 64

Tags:   8th August D3071 08057 Praktica LTL Epson V600 New Photo Distillery Kodachrome 64
