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User / John Woolley Photos / Sets / Class 46
John Woolley / 86 items

N 22 B 18.8K C 4 E Feb 12, 1977 F Aug 28, 2011
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Following the abandonment of displaying the train reporting number on the locomotive the initial impact for the Peaks was the display of 0000 in the headcode boxes. This was followed by the fitment of black screens with two white dots (“domino” screens) to the headcode boxes as displayed here by 46001 as it enters platform 1 at Nottingham with a parcels train, 12th February 1977.

Locomotive History
46001 was built at Derby Works and entered traffic in October 1961 as D138. Apart from a short spell allocated to Carlisle Upperby in early 1962 it would spend the majority of the 1960’s allocated to Midland Main Line duties (Derby/Toton) before migrating to the Western Region in March 1969, initially at Bristol and eventually allocated to Laira. It was stored at Swindon Works at the end of the 1980 Summer Timetable and withdrawn in December 1980. It was dumped at Swindon following withdrawal however during September 1981 46002 was withdrawn and a replacement was required so 46001 was pulled from storage at Swindon and put back into service, however it was a brief reprieve as 46001 succumbed with a seized engine in December 1981 and was withdrawn again. It was broken up at Swindon eight months later in July 1982.

Praktica LTL, High Speed Ektachrome

Tags:   12th February D138 46001 Praktica LTL High Speed Ektachrome

N 12 B 13.9K C 4 E Nov 22, 1975 F Aug 5, 2011
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46002 pokes out of the gloom of Birmingham New Street with 1E37, 10:50 Paignton - Leeds heading north for the Eastern Region, 22nd November 1975.

Locomotive History
Built at Derby works it was originally numbered D139 and it entered service in November 1961 allocated to Derby MPD. It would spend the first half of its career predominantly on the old Midland Railway lines being allocated to Nottingham, Toton and Holbeck. In 1971 a major fleet re-organisation occurred and 46002 was part of a batch of class 46 locomotives transferred to Bristol Bath Road as replacements for the then rapidly disappearing diesel-hydraulic fleet on the Western Region, this was followed by a transfer to Laira in October 1974. 46002 was stored and then withdrawn for a couple of months at the end of 1980, being reinstated in to traffic and transferred to Gateshead in February 1981. However this proved to be a mixed blessing as it was withdrawn nine months later in September 1981, its place in the operational fleet being taken by 46001 re-instated from store at Swindon. Following withdrawal it would linger for three years until finally broken up at Swindon works in September 1984.

Tags:   22nd November D139 46002 Hanimex Compact Orwochrome UT18 Epson 4490

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A rather grey summer Saturday August day finds Laira allocated 46002 approaching Burton on Trent with a cross country express for the North East, 7th August 1976. The train formation is made up of Mark IIabc coaching stock (apart from its buffet car), however it appears to have had a strengthening vehicle added in the form of a Mark I TSO behind the locomotive.

Locomotive History
46002 was built at Derby Works as D139 and entered service in November 1961, allocated to Derby MPD. It would spend the first half of its career predominantly on the old Midland Railway lines being allocated to Nottingham, Toton and Holbeck. In 1971 a major fleet re-organisation occurred and 46002 was part of a batch of Class 46 locomotives transferred to Bristol Bath Road as replacements for the then rapidly disappearing Western Region diesel-hydraulic fleet, this was followed by a transfer to Laira in October 1974. 46002 was stored and then withdrawn for a couple of months at the end of 1980, before being reinstated to traffic and transferred to Gateshead in February 1981. However this proved to be a mixed blessing as it was withdrawn nine months later in September 1981, its place in the operational fleet being taken by 46001 re-instated from store at Swindon. Following withdrawal it would linger for three years until finally broken up at Swindon Works in September 1984.

Praktica LTL, Kodachrome 64

Tags:   7th August D139 46002 Praktica LTL Epson 4490 New Photo Distillery Kodachrome 64

N 27 B 18.6K C 1 E Jun 4, 1976 F Feb 10, 2014
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Undertaking its test run following classified repair at Derby works is 46003 and it is piloting 45110 on a Nottingham - St Pancras semi fast service at Lenton South Junction, 4th June 1976. This working which departed around 10:00 or the morning empty newspaper train heading back to London which followed were used regularly for testing locomotives from Derby works, with the test locomotive running light engine from Derby to Nottingham, piloting the train to Leicester where it would be removed for a light engine run back to Derby.

Locomotive History
46003 was built at Derby works it was originally numbered D140 and it entered service in November 1961 allocated to Derby MPD. It would spend the first half of its career predominantly on the old Midland Railway lines being allocated to Nottingham, Toton and Holbeck. In 1971 a major fleet re-organisation occurred and 46003 was part of a batch of class 46 locomotives transferred to Bristol Bath Road as replacements for the then rapidly disappearing diesel-hydraulic fleet on the Western Region, this was followed by a transfer to Laira in November 1972. This would be the last classified repair for 46003, just over two years later it suffered a major bogie fire and was sent to Derby works for evaluation. The result was withdrawal in October 1978 and it was broken up at Derby works in March 1980. 45110 was built at Crewe works as D73 and entered traffic in November 1960. It was one of the last Peaks in service being withdrawn in July 1988. In March 1990 45103/07/10/13/15 were dragged from Tinsley to MC Metals, Glasgow and 45110 was broken up on arrival.

Tags:   4th June D140 46003

N 25 B 7.2K C 1 E Apr 1, 1978 F Jul 19, 2015
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After a night at Bristol Temple Meads trying my luck at night photography I move west on an early morning service to Exeter behind 46003. On arrival I leave behind the nice snug and warm atmosphere provided by the Stone Vapour OK3625 steam heating boiler fitted to 46003 and have ventured into some early morning rain for this shot of the aforementioned engine, 1st April 1978. This was almost certainly my last ride behind 46003 as a few weeks later it suffered a major bogie fire which would lead to its withdrawal in October 1978.

Locomotive History
46003 was built at Derby works as D140 and it entered service in November 1961, allocated to Derby MPD. It would spend the first half of its career predominantly on the old Midland Railway lines being allocated to Nottingham, Toton and Holbeck. In 1971 a major fleet re-organisation occurred and 46003 was part of a batch of class 46 locomotives transferred to Bristol Bath Road as replacements for the then rapidly disappearing diesel-hydraulic fleet on the Western Region. This was followed by a transfer to Laira in November 1972. Following a major bogie fire it was withdrawn in October 1978 and it was broken up at Derby works in March 1980.

Tags:   1st April Praktica LTL Kodachrome 64 D140 46003
