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User / John Woolley Photos / Sets / January 1981
John Woolley / 1 item

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03371 is the Bradford Exchange station pilot and is stabled adjacent to the station, 31st January 1981.

Locomotive History
Although 03371 would appear from its number to be one of the later build of class 03 it is in fact one of the first built being delivered from Doncaster Works in December 1958. On delivery it was allocated to departmental use, numbered Dept 92 in the departmental stock list and sent to the Lowestoft Sleeper Works. The works was opened on a reclaimed mud bank and at its peak covered 13 acres. Following the closure of Melton Constable Works in 1936, the works became a centre for the construction of many concrete items such as fenceposts and building parts. The depot also incorporated a pre-cast concrete sleeper plant which supplied over half of the Eastern Region with concrete sleepers with two or three special trains leaving it each week. In an average year, about 328,000 sleepers were dispatched with 10,600 tons of chairs and baseplates and many tons of small permanent way accessories. Dept 92 was transferred to Capital Stock in 1967 and numbered D2371 and during a classified repair in 1968 was fitted with dual air/vacuum train brakes. On release from repair in September 1968 it was transferred to Bradford Hammerton Street. It would receive its last classified repair at Doncaster works in October 1982 and would survive in traffic until withdrawn from Gateshead in November 1987. It is still in existence today being preserved at the Rowden Mill Station Museum, Herefordshire.

Tags:   31st January D2371 03371 Dept 92 Praktica LTL Ektachrome 200
