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User / FrontPorchStudio
Jessica Graves / 816 items

N 7 B 769 C 2 E Jul 30, 2008 F Sep 17, 2008
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"Believe it or not, you are looking at my kitchen! Haha, it's a good thing I don't cook! I decided instead to store extra linens in my cupboards, and make the hallway into a gallery wall of my favorite images. I've mixed goofy flea market paintings with inexpensive Etsy finds and photos of my friends and family. I've even got my parents prom picture hanging up! I love how it tells guests a little bit about my life, and is also highly decorative. "

Tags:   Michelle Adams Rubie Green MABelle Blogger's Home Tour

N 3 B 3.3K C 0 E Jul 18, 2008 F Jul 18, 2008
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The dining room is my favorite. The venetian chandelier, Art Deco table, and 1940s chairs by designer Gilbert Rohde are breathtaking against the vintage wallpaper.

Tags:   Michelle Smith Milly Elle Decor Shaun Jackson

N 4 B 572 C 0 E Aug 8, 2008 F Aug 8, 2008
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Photos: Mark Seelen

In an interview with Eva in the Fall '07 issue of Global Guide, she states "my approach to decorating is very much the same as my approach to building a wardrobe; it is all about collecting. I fall in love with things and mix many strong colors and styles." She also claims that "how someone puts together their home can evoke many emotions and sentiments that are essential components of style."

Tags:   Eva Jeanbart Lorenzotti Vivre

N 8 B 2.3K C 0 E Jul 20, 2008 F Jul 20, 2008
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Tags:   Mary McGee

N 7 B 1.9K C 0 E Jul 20, 2008 F Jul 20, 2008
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Tags:   Mary McGee
