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User / Proleshi / Sets / Transportation
Jamal E. Josephs / 35 items

N 4 B 5.5K C 13 E Sep 9, 2003 F Jul 11, 2010
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This is (was) my '92 GT that I had since 2003. It was rearended two Sundays ago by someone who wasn't paying attention on a long straight road in the country....

Here's the story. My dad and I were going for a drive in the country. I see a huge momma raccoon walk out from the right onto the road, then stop and turn around and look into the bushes. Then followed 3 baby raccoons. These are the options I had (cool how the brain can process so quickly...):

1) swerve around them into the oncoming lane, and possibly kill the mom or put the lives of my dad and I in danger,

2) run over the 3 babies who were directly in front of me in my lane,

3) run off the road into a tree....

4) slow down and come to a stop on a long straight country road for a few seconds to let them pass.

I chose #4 and had to really apply my brakes. A few seconds later, I hear a screeching sound behind be and look into my mirror and see a pickup truck slamming into me. BHAAAMM!!! If you could see the road and the skid marks from the truck, it is EASY to see the driver simply wasn't paying attention-- no excuse whatsoever. No big hills, no curves, bright, sunny day, etc, etc.... They were probably also speeding....

The whole back hatch window was left about 20 feet behind the car, the left rear spring was back there too. My new mountain bike was in the back of the car and the handle bar hit me in the back of the head and gave me a small cut and big bump. After a quick assessment, not being able to open the doors of the vehicle, I quickly climbed out the back hatch over the bike and opened the door for my dad. At first I felt fine except the bump on my head, but about 2 minutes after I told the EMTs I didn't need a ride to the hospital, I started feeling nauseous, like I was going to vomit, and then feeling light, then everything started getting dark. Well, I then excepted a not so comfy ride to the hospital to get checked out. Everything checked out okay and I was released about 2 hours later. Gonna see how things go in the next few weeks to make sure no physical pains come out of this.. The bike's rims were bent, but thankfully, the frame was still good.

There are so many ways that this whole ordeal could've been much, much worse!, so I thank God for his protection. He's really blessed in this whole situation. And I'm also so thankful that my dad was okay. He didn't suffer any bumps! :)

BTW, on the car, the paint wasn't this good in 2010, but I wanted to show the best and the worst. Oh well, maybe I'll get an STI.... ;).

Tags:   car automobile auto vehicle proleshi green aftermath ford muscle car mustang Ford Mustang before and after before after gt dedication rip memorial 302 5.0 v8 wrecked wreck crash

N 6 B 2.2K C 23 E May 24, 2010 F Jun 22, 2010
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The last shot of the Shelby. ;) *tear*

Tags:   d300s profile sports car proleshi blue 50mm lines shelby ford gt500 muscle car cobra mustang cafe diner red racing stripes fast car pony car restaurant cinematic movie film border scanlines convertible convertable scan urban quaint 50mm 1.4 af-s

N 1 B 945 C 5 E May 24, 2010 F Jun 22, 2010
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I don't wanna be one to flood my stream with the same thing over and over again, but when it comes to this car.... sorry, it's hard not to. Well, this is the penultimate one, anyway...

Tags:   d300s profile sports car proleshi blue 50mm shelby ford gt500 muscle car cobra mustang cafe diner red racing stripes fast car pony car 50mm 1.4 af-s

N 15 B 2.6K C 20 E May 24, 2010 F Jun 21, 2010
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Beautiful piece of machinery. So many different possible angles. Sorry, but this is not the last you'll see of this car on my stream. ;)

[Explored, June 21, 2010]

Tags:   d300s car automobile auto vehicle clouds proleshi blue 50mm urban shelby ford gt500 muscle car racing stripes wide angle cobra up close personal mustang Ford Mustang

N 5 B 1.5K C 10 E May 24, 2010 F Jun 16, 2010
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Be Sure to View Large Black!!! | Full Stream on Black

I've been wanting to shoot this car for a while. Love the whole scene here. Going for robust colors.

Thoughts? Constructive criticisms? (maybe I shouldn't ask..... ^_^ )

Are people simply tired of HDR? Or maybe most people only like the ones that are very subtle, or better yet, none at all? :) Everyone has his/her opinion about HDR, especially some HDR police who are more fervid than others. To be honest, I do like it for the effect it can have on a photo-- within reason though. Furthermore, I'm all about different styles and techniques, and I hope that is exemplified in my photostream. However, I am not a beacon of all-knowingness and I still do come here to learn-- always open to constructive criticism.

In a few weeks, I'll have the opportunity to try some new ideas out, so I hope to keep chugging along here on Flickr until then.


"Flickr is da Bomb!" <-- can you find it?

Tags:   red car automobile auto vehicle clouds hdr blue single RAW pseudo hdr blue sky urban shelby ford gt500 muscle car racing stripes bridge 18mm wide angle
