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User / Pete Vielhaber / Sets / Street Photography
Pete Vielhaber / 5 items

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After spending an hour in the cozy coffee shop, catching up with friends, you find yourself standing at a crosswalk as everyone leaves. The temperature has dropped significantly to 36°F since you left home and you realize that perhaps you should have dressed more warmly. Based on your body language and expression, you understand the mistake. #streetphotography

Developed with Darktable 4.8.0.

Tags:   woman coffee shop street photography street life city streets urban Pella Iowa November 2024 cold weather candid body language expression life crosswalk street portrait feeling outdoors humanity weather candid moment emotive

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The night watcher stands alone on a bridge at night, immersed in the darkness, displaying solitude and vigilance in the cold, quiet atmosphere. Photographed in downtown Des Moines, Iowa. #streetphotography

Developed with Darktable 4.8.0.

Tags:   night bridge architecture night photography urban B&W black and white black & white mono monochrome darkness nighttime vigilance solitude stillness alone cold 50mm prime lens nifty fifty lens wide open exposure compensation handheld no tripod Des Moines Iowa November 2024

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Street photography is not really my thing. It doesn’t come natural for me, too much patience is involved. You have to wait for the right subject(s) and then catch the right moment. However, I am pushing myself to give it a try, so we’ll see how it goes.

This photo shows three young students from Central College in Pella, Iowa exploring the downtown shopping area. There seemed to be some brief conversation between the three about crossing the street before the crosswalk light changed, but the one girl didn’t want to hear it, she’s steppin’ out anyway. #streetphotography

Developed with Darktable 4.8.0.

Tags:   students street photography street life city streets urban Pella Iowa cold weather candid crosswalk car trees life outdoors humanity impatience B&W black and white monotone November 2024

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A Lensbaby photo presented in B&W of a man and woman crossing an intersection in downtown Nevada, Iowa. I’ve bent the lens to a hard left in this shot, catching the woman mostly in focus with the man starting to blur out-of-focus as the lens effect blurs to the right. In my mind’s eye, the lens effect almost makes it look like the man is going faster than the woman. It was about 7°F (-13°C) when I took this photo, so yes, hurry-up Helen, it’s cold out here!

Lensbaby Sweet 50 optic, set at F5.6, hard left bend
Composer Pro II with a Canon EF mount

Developed with Darktable 4.8.0

Tags:   man woman people restaurant windows shadows street photography cold winter Lensbaby Sweet 50 optic Composer Pro II manual focus prime lens soft blur chromatic aberrations imperfections artistic lens effects soft-focus effects creative photography monotone black and white black & white B&W January 2025 Nevada Story County Iowa StPhotographia

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‘Colors of the Night’ is another Lensbay night photo, this time street photography from the Drake neighborhood in Des Moines, Iowa (just east of Drake University). The camera was handheld with the F-stop set at 2.5 to get the max optical distortion and Auto ISO (2500) for a fast exposure. My manual focus appears to be a little past the young man that is walking down the sidewalk, but I was still happy with this result.

Developed with Darktable 4.8.0, cropped to a 2:1 ratio

Tags:   street photography man cars lights buildings urban city night colorful creative photography night photography Lensbaby Sweet 50 Composer Pro II artistic lens effects soft blur bokeh optical distortion shadows Drake Neighborhood University Avenue Des Moines Polk County Iowa January 2025 hand-held manual focus
