The overall theme of the 2010 Fotomarathon was "Time Travel". The theme for the first photo in the series was "Witnesses:. The first photo is required to clearly show the number of the contestant in the Berlin Fotomarathon 2010. These statues are in the middle of the Gendarmemarkt square in the centre of Berlin. My reasoning was that if anyone had been a witness to the history of Berlin it would be these two...
Tags: 2010 Berlin Fotomarathon 234 Photomarathon 1 Witnesses Zeitzeugen
Topic number two in the Berlin Fotomarathon 2010. this is a picture of a wall remnant on Bernaurstrasse. I thought the date in the top corner was consistent with the theme.
Tags: 2 2010 234 Berlin Fotomarathon Niemandsland No Man's Land
For my third photo the theme was "Always forward, never backwards" - and I'll have to tell the organizers that the proper English translation of "Vörwarts immer rückwarts nimmer", is actually "Forwards ever, backwards never". Berlin Fotomarathon 2010
Tags: 2010 3 Always Forward never backwards Berlin Forward ever backwards never Fotomarathon Photomarathon Vorwärts immer rückwärts nimmer 234
Berlin Fotomarathon 2010 - with this shot I think I should have gone for something more colorful
Tags: 2010 4 Berlin Bunt gemischt Colorfully mixed Fotomarathon Photomarathon 234
Berlin Fotomarathon 2010 - this shot was taken at the memorial to those who lost their lives trying to cross the Berlin Wall. The man in the foreground was German and of the right age, so I asked if I could take his photo
Tags: 2010 234 5 Berlin Fotomarathon Lebenskünstler Photomarathon Survivor