New York City 2015
Tags: #InsideAMNH 2015 Museum of Natural History New York City statue tourist touriste New York United States camera:model=dsc-rx100m2 geo:state=new york camera:make=sony exif:make=sony exif:aperture=ƒ / 6.3 geo:country=united states geo:city=new york city geo:location= exif:iso_speed=160 exif:focal_length=10.4 mm exif:lens=28-100mm f1.8-4.9 exif:model=dsc-rx100m2
New York City 2015
Tags: #InsideAMNH 2015 Christopher Columbus Denkmal Museum of Natural History New York City monument statue New York United States camera:model=dsc-rx100m2 geo:state=new york camera:make=sony exif:make=sony geo:city=new york city exif:aperture=ƒ / 5.6 geo:country=united states geo:location= exif:iso_speed=160 exif:focal_length=10.4 mm exif:lens=28-100mm f1.8-4.9 exif:model=dsc-rx100m2
New York City 2015
Tags: #InsideAMNH 2015 Christopher Columbus Denkmal Museum of Natural History New York City monument statue New York United States camera:model=dsc-rx100m2 geo:state=new york camera:make=sony exif:make=sony exif:aperture=ƒ / 4.5 geo:city=new york city geo:country=united states geo:location= exif:iso_speed=160 exif:focal_length=10.4 mm exif:lens=28-100mm f1.8-4.9 exif:model=dsc-rx100m2
New York City 2015
Tags: #InsideAMNH 2015 Museum of Natural History New York City Wolkenkratzer gratte-ciel skyscrapers New York United States camera:model=dsc-rx100m2 geo:state=new york camera:make=sony exif:make=sony geo:city=new york city geo:country=united states exif:iso_speed=160 geo:location= exif:aperture=ƒ / 4.0 exif:focal_length=10.4 mm exif:lens=28-100mm f1.8-4.9 exif:model=dsc-rx100m2
New York City 2015
Tags: #InsideAMNH 2015 Christopher Columbus Denkmal Museum of Natural History New York City monument New York United States camera:model=dsc-rx100m2 geo:state=new york camera:make=sony exif:make=sony geo:city=new york city exif:aperture=ƒ / 5.6 geo:country=united states geo:location= exif:iso_speed=160 exif:focal_length=10.4 mm exif:lens=28-100mm f1.8-4.9 exif:model=dsc-rx100m2