#318 in my photo-a-day project.
End of the working week and a visit to the local chip shop.
Tags: chip shop fish and chips Lincolnshire January 2009
#276 in my photo-a-day project.
Skiing santas on someone's house. This is very understated compared with some of the ones round here!
Tags: christmas lights December 2008
#113 in my photo-a-day project.
Tried a B&W conversion - but don't think it works very well.
Tags: damselflies azure blackandwhite garden June 2008
#196 in my photo-a-day project.
I didn't get the chance to photograph anything earlier in the day, so waved my camera phone at some of the lights I saw on my walk to meet my son after training.
Not very interesting!
Tags: traffic light night September 2008
Rockin' Horse Productions provided some of the entertainment in the main ring.
Revesby Country Fair, Lincolnshire, 2008.
Tags: August 2008 Revesby Country Fair Rockin Horse Productions stunt rider horse Lincolnshire