I saw my first lizards of the year yesterday, at Chambers Farm Wood. They were basking on logs and not particularly active (still a bit chilly, even in the sunshine).
Tags: Lincolnshire March 2014 lizard Chambers Farm Wood Zootoca vivipara
I was watching lizards sunning themselves on a log pile when this head appeared in front of me! It didn't hang around long after spotting me - and the head was as much as I saw.
My mum, aunt and I had a great visit to Chambers Farm Wood. It was a gorgeous sunny day and we saw lots of lizards and three grass snakes (one of which was swimming in a pond).
Tags: May 2013 Lincolnshire Chambers Farm Wood snake grass snake Natrix natrix
A sunny day today so I popped along to Kirkby Moor for a couple of hours. Plenty of lizards were out and about - this one is the first I spotted. As long as you don't move suddenly these lizards are usually quite approachable and even if you do scare them off they tend to return after a short while to the same basking place.
I quite like this shot - the lizard is looking at the camera and eye and 'nose' are in focus.
Apologies for neglecting contacts' photos lately. I'm on Easter break from work now, so should have more time to browse (and get out with the camera if the weather doesn't turn back to wintry!).
Tags: April 2012 Kirkby Moor Lincolnshire lizard
Some kind of flat fish in an aquarium in the learning room at Gibraltar Point.
Not the clearest of shots - I only had my little compact with me - but I loved the eyes!
Tags: October 2011 fish Gibraltar Point Lincolnshire
Common Lizard, peering out from between two logs. I waited ages for it to emerge into the open, but it stayed put. I shot it by leaning over the log and thrusting the camera in its face. The image has been rotated from landscape because I thought it looked a bit better!
Chambers Farm Wood, Lincolnshire.
Tags: July 2011 Chambers Farm Wood Lincolnshire lizard common lizard Zootoca vivipara viviparous lizard