We passed the home check - and Rebel the retired greyhound has come to live with us :-) He's four years old and utterly gorgeous! So far he seems pretty steady and relaxed with Phoebe.
Plenty more pics to come!
#219 in my photo-a-day project.
Tags: greyhound retiredgreyhound october 2008
Keeping his eyes fixed on the ball I'm holding in front of him.
Tags: greyhound retiredgreyhound
Our new companion. I was really pleased to discover that he loves to play - and is wild about balls!
Tags: greyhound retiredgreyhound
We've been wanting to have another dog for a while and we're hoping to give a home to a retired greyhound. We took Phoebe along to meet some at a local sanctuary. She seemed quite taken with this handsome fawn boy... so we're crossing fingers and things that he'll come to live with us. Nothing definite yet - so we're not getting too excited. Got to pass the home check first!
#207 in my photo-a-day project.
Tags: leonberger greyhound September 2008