Getting to know each other.
The full series can be seen here: Grey Seal birth
Tags: November 2010 Lincolnshire DonnaNook seal grey seal pup birth Halichoerus grypus newborn
A couple of minutes after her waters broke, the pup's head could be seen crowning.
The full series can be seen here: Grey Seal birth
Tags: November 2010 Lincolnshire DonnaNook seal grey seal pup birth Halichoerus grypus
As the pup emerged, its eyes and whiskers could be seen through the membrane.
The full series can be seen here: Grey Seal birth
Tags: November 2010 Lincolnshire DonnaNook seal grey seal pup birth Halichoerus grypus
The mother investigates her newborn pup.
The full series can be seen here: Grey Seal birth
Tags: November 2010 Lincolnshire DonnaNook seal grey seal pup birth Halichoerus grypus newborn
The pup wriggled as it emerged onto the sand.
The full series can be seen here: Grey Seal birth
Tags: November 2010 Lincolnshire DonnaNook seal grey seal pup birth newborn Halichoerus grypus