Dotted Border, Agriopis marginaria.
I put the trap out last night, desperate to see a moth again! The night was clear and chilly and there was nothing in or near the trap by midnight. Just as I sighed and gave up, I spotted this moth on the kitchen window. First moth of the year and a new record for the garden. I now feel slightly less desperate to see a moth!
Tags: February 2011 garden Lincolnshire mothtrap moth Dotted Border Agriopis marginaria Geometridae Ennominae 1934
Common Quaker, Orthosia cerasi. Not its typical resting position, but it was vibrating its wings ready for take off.
A fairly mild evening - but trapping was cut short thanks to heavy rain setting in. There was just the one macro - this Common Quaker - and a couple of micros (Agonopterix sp.).
NB. This wasn't strictly mothing #2, but nothing at all came to the trap on 24 February so nothing to photograph!
Tags: Common Quaker Orthosia cerasi February 2011 garden moth moth trap Lincolnshire Noctuidae Hadeninae 2187
Clouded Drab, Orthosia incerta.
Two species were trapped:
Clouded Drab 3 (NFY)
Hebrew Character 4 (NFY)
(NB If you are wondering where Garden mothing #3 & #4 are, I didn't bother posting them because each session yielded just Common Quakers.)
Tags: March 2011 garden Lincolnshire moth mothtrap Clouded Drab Orthosia incerta 2188 Noctuidae Hadeninae
Hebrew Character, Orthosia gothica.
Numbers of moths coming to the light trap are starting to pick up, but I'm not seeing many different species yet.
Common Quaker 3
Clouded Drab 7
Hebrew Character 10
There was also an early bumblebee, Bombus pratorum, in the trap with the moths - the first I've seen this year.
I'm very slowly leaving comments on photos of my contacts - the g and h keys aren't working and pasting in the missing letters takes ages!
Tags: March 2011 garden moth moth trap Lincolnshire Hebrew Character Orthosia gothica 2190 Noctuidae Hadeninae
[2243] Early Grey, Xylocampa areola. Last year I photographed one on a twig; this year I thought some blossom would be a bit prettier.
Best night of the year so far:
Early Thorn NFY 2
Common Quaker 14
Clouded Drab 11
Hebrew Character 11
Early Grey NFY 2
Two Black Sexton beetles (Nicrophorus humator) also came to the trap - first I've seen this year.
Tags: March 2011 noctuidae cuculliinae 2243 xylocampa areola early grey moth mothtrap lincolnshire garden