Crops are grown wherever they can be, so terraces are common. At lower levels bananas are often grown, with grape vines higher up. Sugar cane is also grown in places. All kinds of fruit and veg can be seen growing on the island.
Tags: Madeira July 2012 terraces coast
Earlier in our Madeiran holiday we saw the Cabo Girão cliffs from the sea - now here is a view from near the top of the cliffs, looking inland. The multiple layers of terraces are very apparent here.
Tags: Madeira Cabo Girão cliffs view August 2012 terraces
ID as best as I can work out. The list I've found of butterflies of Madeira includes two blues of this type: Lang's Short-tailed Blue Leptotes pirithous and Long-tailed Blue, Lampides boeticus.
Botanical Garden, Funchal.
I struggled with the NEX to get any shots I was happy with.
Tags: Madeira August 2012 Botanical Gardens Funchal butterfly blue Leptotes pirithous Lang's Short-tailed Blue
I forgot to include this with the other drying fish photos, so thought I'd stick it up on its own because I spent so much time looking at and admiring the racks of fish - the sort of thing I've seen on documentaries but never for real.
Tags: Madeira July 2012 fish harbour fish drying Câmara de Lobos
As part of a tour we stopped in the north coast village of Santana to see the traditional style houses. Most seem to be converted to shops to sell t-shirts, postcards, flowers etc. The one in this shot does look lived in though.
Definitely very touristy - but I thought I'd upload my snaps anyway.
Tags: Madeira August 2012 Santana traditional house thatch