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User / Janaswamy
Ramakrishna Janaswamy / 1,505 items

N 363 B 6.9K C 66 E Jan 18, 2023 F Apr 7, 2023
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Widespread resident of India. Prominent white spotting on crown, mantle, and wing coverts, brown spotting on underparts. Has pale facial discs and pale hind collar. Mainly crepuscular and nocturnal.

This one has its head turned 180 degrees from its front position, doing a perfect job of watching its back! So vigilant! Shot this bird during early morning hours.

To my sweetheart Avanthi!

Look back like the wise owl, if only to climb higher.

Thanks to all of you who fave and comment on the photograph!

Nikon 500mm f/4e lens, f/5.6, 1/250s, ISO 1000.

Flickr Explore: April 08, 2023.

Tags:   Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary Owls in India Spotted Owlet (Athene brama) Looking back Avanthi

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Male is mostly grey, with white belly, black tail coverts, and pale chestnut on wings. Also, has intricate grey-white pattern on breast and multiple colors on wings. Both sexes have steep forehead (marker distinguishing from Mallards and Teals) and white patches on secondaries. Fairly common in the Western US, less common in the East.

Nikon 200-400mm f/4g lens, f/6.3, 1/500s, ISO 320.

Flickr Explore: July 07, 2023

Thanks to all of you who fave and/or comment on the photograph!

Tags:   Gadwall GC Reifel MIgratory Bird Sanctuary

N 229 B 6.1K C 67 E Jun 11, 2023 F Jul 22, 2023
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Globally Endangered! But populations increasing.

Strikingly pale compared to Semi-palmated Plover. Black eye stands out. Yellow ring around eye visible in good lighting. Distinctive shape-- large domed head on neck-less, fat round body. Stubby orange bill is black tipped in summer, all dark in winter. Short orange legs. Found on sandy beaches, but stays away from water except to feed. For those who have not seen the bird before, it is not much bigger than a house sparrow.

I sat on the uninhabited beach for 90 mins before the bird became comfortable with my presence and ignored it. He/she even approached me while foraging. A late evening shot.

Nikon 200-400 mm f/4G lens, f/5.6, 1/2500s, ISO 320.

Thanks to all of you who fave and comment on the photograph.

Flickr Explore: July 23, 2023

Tags:   Piping Plover Globally endangered bird Allens Pond Westport, MA Charadrius melodus Sunrays+5

N 203 B 5.7K C 39 E Apr 2, 2022 F May 19, 2022
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Male's glossy, colorful plumage and sleek crest are distinctive. Eyeball is red. Female is identified by small crest and large, white teardrop-shaped eye patch. Fairly common in open woodlands near ponds and rivers.

Listen to its calls. A very late evening shot with the Sun setting behind me.

Nikon 500mm f/4E lens, f/4, 1/2500s, ISO 1000.

Flickr Explore: May 20, 2022

Thanks to all of you who `fave' and comment on the photograph.

Tags:   Yellow Fannie-Stebbins Memorial Wildlife Refuge Longmeadow, MA Wood duck pair Multicolor

N 234 B 5.8K C 46 E May 7, 2023 F May 7, 2023
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The great blue heron is the largest heron native to North America. A common heron found year round in many parts of the US. Black stripe extends above eye. White foreneck is streaked with black. Breeding adult has yellowish beak and ornate plumes on head, neck, and back (as above). Compare with the Grey Heron of Eurasia. Adult Great Blue Heron has brown shoulder patch instead of the black patch of the latter.

Compare with non-breeding plumage.

Shot with my daughter Revathi in celebration of her birthday week.

Nikon 200-400mm f/4G lens, f/5, 1/1250s, ISO 800, wPF.

Thanks to all of you who fave and comment on the photograph!

Flickr Explore: May 09, 2023.

Tags:   The Great Blue Heron Cheektowaga, NY GBH Breeding plumage Ardea herodias
