Today I want to talk about two ''Myths'' in photography..
One is ''Exposure'' or ''It's All About Light''..When we were at our beginner/learning stage we were told that ''exposure'' is a fundamental element of photography. The ''correct exposure'' was the light that our body & lens should get to create the image. It was all about the correct light. Then I met with ''Low Key''. Low Key images striked me when I first saw them. They were dark, not enough light were on neither on the subject nor on the context. However the ''feel'' was completely different comparing with the ''correct exposured'' images. I discovered the power of low key, when I start to work with ''emotions'' rather than chasing the technical perfection. Low Key is the ''key'' to enter the darker/emotional zones and into human psyche.
The second myth is the perception of beauty and using models for creating beauty in images. Why do we use models? Because they are beautiful..Is it so? Yes, they might be beautiful, but that is NOT the reason for choosing models-we choose models because they are also actors/actresses who play an act, a story, the know how to pose, how to act and can do that for different scenarios. Models can reflect what emotion we want to add to the image- they know what they have to do. and models are not ''objects of beauty'' only. A good model can play many characters, can give many emotions and is open to experimentals rather than trying to show her and/or seen as an instagram beauty queen.
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