With Anna, I started a new phase in my photographic journey. I don't know where this journey will bring me, but I am exited to be on this new path to discover a new era..
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Anna was very cheerfull. Thats the way she is.
Most of the time she was laughing during the shoot. Before the shoot, when we first met, she said " why are your photos so dark and depressive? " . Well, I tried to explain.
I thought that she would not understand, but she did. She understood perfectly what I wanted to achieve. And, finally she also understood the answer to her own question.
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From the Serie ''Bubbeled'' with Anna
Usualy I have some sort of ''concepts'' in my head, before the shooting--but reality never matches with expectations or planned schedule. Therefore, when the model asks me ''OK, what will we shoot, where will we shoot?'' my answer is usually like this: ''I have absolutely no idea--we will walk and see if we find a place to shoot and then we will decide what to do''< so it is completely simultaneous. Because, I can not control the circumstances outdoor- therefore all I can do is to adopt the current circumstances, and try to create something with the current situation.
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From the Serie '' The Green Zone'' with Anna
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As it happens in all of my shoots, I just explain the main story and concept, find the place and then start the shooting. The rest I always leave to the model. I dont like to interrupt the model; I want her to be a part, to add her own story to the shooting.
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