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User / Paul Anthony Moore / Sets / Knights Templar
Paul Anthony Moore / 39 items

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Clairvaux Abbey is (was) a Cistercian monastery in Ville-sous-la-Ferté, 15 km from Bar-sur-Aube, in the Aube department in northeastern France. The original building, which was founded in 1115 by St. Bernard, is now in ruins. The Abbey is listed as a historical monument and the grounds are now occupied and used by Clairvaux Prison.

Tags:   Clairvaux Abbey Ville-sous-la-Ferté France Bernard of Clairvaux Knights Templar medieval

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9-image panorama

Tags:   Forêt d'Orient Champagne-Ardenne France Templars Knights Templar

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There were church buildings on this site long before the present cathedral was built.

The construction of Vienne Cathedral is documented under the tenure of Archbishop Léger from 1030 to 1070.

On 9 February 1119, Archbishop Guy of Burgundy was crowned Pope Callixtus II here.

Built over a long period, Gothic modifications and extensions were carried out until its consecration by Pope Innocent IV on 20 April 1251.

Pope Clement V convened the Council of Vienne here on 16 October 1311. It was during this Council that the dissolution of the Knights Templar was ordered.

The facade was added in the 16th century, with the capstone ceremony held in 1529.

Tags:   Cathédrale Saint-Maurice de Vienne Vienne Cathedral Vienne France

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The buildings in the photo are the remnants of a Knights Templar Commanderie (after 1312, it became a commandery of the Order of the Hospitallers). The main building is (probably intentionally) hidden behind the trees on the left near the church.

Tags:   Saint-Vincent-la-Commanderie Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes France Knights Templar
