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User / Richard de Grataine, blogger / Sets / Ministry of Time: Saving the Future
Richard De Grataine / 6 items

N 73 B 2.4K C 7 E Apr 17, 2024 F Apr 17, 2024
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The ministry of time
Chapter VI: Race Against Time

The style card and credits here

A new alarm echoed in the old office of the Ministry, interrupting any attempt at conversation with the newly arrived. The group quickly prepared to face the new conflict, this time in Paris. Diego, the section chief, would lead the mission alongside the newcomer Mikko, the director of the Ministry of Time in the future.
With no time for further explanations, the team hurried through the portal to the City of Light. Paris was engulfed in chaos, with sounds of sirens, lights, and the voices of tourists filling the air, unaware of the lurking danger in the shadows.

Diego and Mikko coordinated the plan as they made their way through the crowded streets of the city. The situation could be critical as the alert came from facilities using nuclear energy: every second lost increased the risk of a major disaster.
Upon arrival, the bomb was already installed and the saboteur was fleeing the scene. They decided to leave the deactivation to a second group following them through the portal and began a frantic race through nearby subways and sewers. In one of the corridors, Diego spotted the elusive figure, but as he was about to shout a warning, Mikko fired and the body disintegrated before his eyes.
Once the threat was neutralized, the team returned exhausted to the offices of the Ministry of Time. Diego, still with the intensity of the moment in his gaze, addressed Mikko directly, with a serious expression.
"Why did you shoot without prior notice?" Diego inquired, with a tone mixing surprise and concern.
Mikko, with her characteristic calmness, responded with a confident smile. "I'm sorry, Diego, it was a decision in the heat of the moment. I thought it was the only option to stop the saboteur and prevent a catastrophe."
Diego nodded, but with a reflective expression on his face. "I understand your instinct to protect, but it would have been more interesting to capture the saboteur. We could have interrogated him to find out his purpose and who is behind all this."
Mikko nodded, understanding Diego's point. "You're right, Diego. Next time, I'll approach the situation with more caution to ensure we can get the information we need."

With the collaboration of:
[VENDETTA] LUNA SKIN - EVO X @ NEO JAPAN 2024 (soon in main store)
BRABOS / Daewron Skin. BRABOS @ Man Cave event
Landon Eyes. BRABOS @ in main store
EXCY - 4AEM Pants @in main store
MAZZARO /[Mazzaro] Dan Jacket @ NEW RELEASE main store
[TNK x TRV] - CERBERUS GRAVE - LEFT in photo. This is a collaborative
TANAKA /[TNK] 4AM KICKERS set @ in main store
PETRICHOR /:[P]:- Davoras Wand @ wizarding faire 2024 (in main store now)

Tags:   [VENDETTA ] Neo Japan Event tanaka BRABOS EXCY KOKOS MAZZARO TANAKAxTREVOR PETRICHOR Wizarding Faire Richard de Grataine Blogger Second Life Second Life SL trv tnkxtrv trvxtnk trevor trevorxtanaka tnk CERBERUS GRAVE

N 80 B 2.8K C 17 E Apr 13, 2024 F Apr 13, 2024
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The EncounterChapter V: The Encounter

The style card and credits here

In an old office of the Ministry, the meeting with the team from the Ministry of the future took place. Alex was amazed and admired as he saw the woman crossing the strange portal with determination. He realized she held a peculiar object in one hand and wondered if it was the device that generated the interdimensional portals.

The woman exuded a unique blend of elegance akin to that of a party with exotic elements. Her attire combined shimmering fabrics with touches of vivid colors and striking ornaments, creating an image that seemed to be taken from a surrealist world.

The boss, Diego, briefly explained how the encounter with his future counterpart occurred. He also recounted that they were the ones who sought to contact the past once they had the appropriate technology. Apparently, a catastrophe had disrupted communications through the portals in their future, and only when they had the suitable technology could they return to the past.

They had been quite mysterious and cautious when talking about the history from their time to ours. Despite being asked to share portal technology, they had refused, arguing that it would interfere with the past...

Post has been possible with the collaboration of:
BRABOS / FATPACK - Yung Skin. BRABOS @ Saturday Sale In Mainstore
[Vile] - Loopy Fruit Earings Gauged @in main store
PETRICHOR / :[P]:- Azwenn SET @ exclusive at FF2024
:[P]:- Davoras Wand @ wizarding faire 2024 (in main store now)
ERSCH - Yancy Suit @ FaMESHed event
Exile - Freya @ Collabor88 event, April
Astalianda - Sky Magic Pose Set @ FF2024 EXCLUSIVE

Tags:   LOB ::Second Life:: Blogger Second Life Richard de Grataine BRABOS VILE TMD Dura The Saturday Sale [VENDETTA ] PETRICHOR Ersch exile Astralia FF2024 Fantasy Faire 2024 Colabor88 Fameshed

N 113 B 2.3K C 19 E Apr 10, 2024 F Apr 10, 2024
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Chapter IV: A New partner

The style card and credits here

Richard was in the central headquarters, his brow furrowed as he looked at the young man who had just entered the room. "Who's this kid?" he asked authoritatively, turning to the boss for answers.

The boss approached and introduced the young man as their new colleague, meant to replace Pablo, who was hospitalized. "Richard, this is Alex, our new recruit," the boss announced with a cheerful tone.

Richard nodded, but his expression still showed skepticism. "I'm not going to babysit rookies," he warned sternly, crossing his arms over his chest.

The boss assured him that Alex was an expert in computer systems and new technologies, although he lacked field experience. "He's a genius in his field," the boss added, trying to convince Richard of the young man's abilities.

Alex, aware of the tension in the room, stepped forward and extended his hand to Richard. "Nice to meet you, I'm Alex," he introduced himself with a nervous smile.

Richard shook Alex's hand firmly, evaluating the new recruit with attention. However, his expression softened slightly upon hearing the young man's words.

Alex took the opportunity to share what he had found out about the suspect who had recently escaped from them. "He was trying to plant some sort of bomb in the nuclear power plant," he reported, his tone filled with concern. "Although we're not clear on how he intended to activate it."

Richard nodded, processing the information. "What's the connection between this terrorist act and the forecast of a change in the timeline?" he asked aloud, looking to both the boss and Alex for answers.

"And furthermore, have we managed to deactivate the threat?" he added urgently, his tone reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

The boss shook his head with regret. "We haven't been able to deactivate the threat yet," he admitted. "Perhaps we should try to contact someone from the ministry in the future, to understand exactly the extent of the change that could occur."

BRABOS / FATPACK - Yung Skin. BRABOS @ Saturday Sale In Mainstore
Strunsh. Oxford Shorts - Fatpack @ GROUP GIFT
Strunsh. Stephi Sweat Fur #FATPACK @ in main store
[Vile] - Loopy Fruit Earings Gauged @in main store
KOKOS-HAIRBASE HUGO-EVOX @ other new release
NEBURG CYBORG / NEBUR C - Armon Duffel Bag set @ in main store
ERSCH - Eston suit -fatpack @ Engine room event exclusive

Tags:   BRABOS STRUNSH VILE KOKOS ERSCH NEBURG CYBORG [VENDETTA ] Richard de Grataine ::Second Life:: Blogger Second Life SL the man cave event The Engine Room The Engine Room

N 110 B 2.9K C 19 E Apr 6, 2024 F Apr 6, 2024
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The Ministry of Time
Chapter III: The Saboteur's Plan

The style card and credits here

When Richard materialized in the bustling streets of New York in the year 2025, he immediately felt a disturbance in the temporal fabric. People were passing by in a hurry, unaware of the imminent danger lurking in the shadows. Following the coordinates provided by the Ministry, Richard and his companion headed towards the vicinity of a nuclear plant. As they approached, they saw a suspicious figure hunched over a device of peculiar appearance typing rapidly on it. With stealth and precision, Richard approached the saboteur, while his pulse throbbed with electric intensity. Suddenly, footsteps were heard resonating beside him, and Agent Pablo Torres emerged from the shadows, his weapon drawn and ready.
"We have you now," proclaimed Pablo with firm and authoritative voice.
The saboteur leaped and started running as Richard and Pablo chased after him. At a certain point, he abruptly stopped and with a cold smile on his face, rummaged in a pocket and pulled out a small device that he activated with a click. With a dazzling flash of light, a temporal distortion opened before him. Before Richard or Pablo could react, the saboteur disappeared into the temporal vortex, leaving the agents astonished and without clues to follow his trail.
Back at the Ministry, Richard and Pablo faced the harsh reality of their failure. The saboteur had escaped, leaving behind more questions than answers. As they discussed what had happened, Richard noticed that Pablo was out of breath, with a hand on his chest.
"Are you okay, Pablo?" asked Richard, concerned.
Pablo nodded with a weak smile. "I don't think I'll be able to join you in the next pursuit," he admitted.
Richard furrowed his brow, visibly worried about his friend's health. Later, after leaving Pablo in the infirmary, Richard reflected with amazement: "It's the first time we've seen interdimensional portals open wherever one desires. This complicates things a lot."
With time running out, they knew they had to redouble their efforts to stop the saboteur's sinister plans and protect the timeline at all costs.

STRUNSH / Strunsh. Markz Shoes - #FATPACK @ in main store
TANAKA / [TNK] ARCADEPACK @ in main store
TANAKA / [TNK] MAELSTROM MK-7 - FATPACK 50% off now @ in main store

Tags:   LACONIC ::Second Life:: SL Blogger Second Life Richard de Grataine menselected STRUNSH TANAKA

N 102 B 4.8K C 15 E Mar 31, 2024 F Mar 31, 2024
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The ministry of time
Chapter II: The Mystery of the Incubators

The style card and credits here

Sam found himself alone in the laboratory, the dim lights flickering intermittently over the equipment. A bottle of beer was within his reach as he immersed himself in his thoughts. Recently, an unusual event had shaken his scientific world: the disappearance of a body from the incubators. This act not only defied the laws but also raised serious questions about the integrity of the timeline.

As the golden liquid flowed down his throat, Sam pondered the possible devastating consequences that this incident could unleash. What effect would it have on historical evolution? How would it alter temporal continuity? These questions haunted him, filling his mind with unease and concern.

An even more alarming idea seized his thoughts: Who could have orchestrated this act and for what purpose? Time travel technology was heavily regulated, its illegal use a serious offense. Only a few would have access to it, and none of them would have noble motives to carry out such an action.

As Sam delved into his reflections, a determination grew within him: he must uncover the truth behind this enigma. Not only for the sake of the scientific community and temporal stability but also for his insatiable thirst for knowledge. With determination in his gaze, he promised himself that he would not rest until he found answers and ensured that temporal integrity remained intact.

With the collaboration from:
BIRTH / *Birth* 'Valor' Lelutka EvoX BOM @ UBER EVENT
CHRIS TWO DESIGN / Cyber VR Headset Y.2077 @ in main store
KOKOS-EARRING ROKITI-Gauged XL/S @ menselected
KOKOS-HUD-EARRING ROKITI-Gauged XL Ears(EXTRA) @ menselected
[LOB] SPACEX SET @ in main store now
Synnergy.Tavis/Cryo Chamber [360] Backdrop @ Easter offer

Tags:   Birth UBER [Chris Two Designs] TANAKA KOKOS GOTHCORE MENSELECTED MAN CAVE LOB SYNNERGY.TAVIS Serendipity Neo Japan Event Richard de Grataine Blogger Second Life SECOND LIFE SL
