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User / bior / Sets
75 items

The Showcase
100 photos
100 pictures

403 photos

870 photos

Silicon Valley Fairy Tale
323 photos

Silicon Suburbia
984 photos

467 photos

450 photos

landscape, b&w
97 photos

105 photos
Get yo camera outta my shrubbery

in the woods
104 photos

window seat
158 photos

on the road
7 photos

99 photos

49 photos

Red 29
40 photos

hey it's me
36 photos

Top 2023
21 photos
As of Dec 31, 2023, these were the photos I posted to Flickr in 2023 with the most Favs.

Top 2022
14 photos
Shots I shared in 2022 that received at least 200 "favs" as of Dec 27, 2022

Top 2021
10 photos
As of Dec 30, 2021, these are my most fav'd photos posted to Flickr in 2021.

Top 2020
11 photos
As of Dec 26, 2020, these were my photos posted to Flickr in 2020 with the most Fav's.

Top 2019
10 photos
As of December 31, 2019, these were the photos I posted in 2019 that got the most Favs on Flickr

Top 2018
10 photos

Top 2017
10 photos

Top 2016
10 photos
As of January 2017, these are my photos I posted in 2016 with the most Favorites

Top 2015
10 photos

Top 2014
10 photos

Top 2013
10 photos

Top 2012
10 photos

2021 best
20 photos
20 personal picks from the year

2020, Orange Wednesday
12 photos
On Wednesday, Sept 9, 2020, the skies above northern California went orange from wildfire ash high in the atmosphere. The ash was suspended high above by a marine layer of air beneath it, and didn't...

46 photos

California Valley
45 photos
Kowa/SIX / Portra / Ektar / Fujifilm X

UK as a Tourist, 2022
22 photos

Israel 2017,18,19
80 photos
Fujifilm X

Spain trip, 2018
79 photos

Ireland trip, 2015
60 photos
Fujifilm X

Mississippi river cruise, 2013
18 photos
Leica M3 / New Portra

RV and Back Again, 2013
52 photos
Pentax 645NII / Ektar / Canon EOS 5D2 That time in 2013 I rented an RV and drove it to Oregon and back

six months off
16 photos
that time I spent half of 2008 wandering around Europe and Asia

ancient history
12 photos
photos from the before times

More Cameras Than Sense
76 photos
gear comes, gear goes

Fujifilm GFX
560 photos

Nikon Zf
172 photos
Nikon calls this the "Z f" but that's clumsy. Me and the rest of the world call this the "Zf"

Sigma dp Quattro
91 photos
humankind's most perfect camera series ever

Fujifilm X
1060 photos, 1 video
a rotating coterie of Fuji X gear

156 photos

Leica M3
291 photos
This single-stroke Leica M3 is my most dependable camera.

Pentax 645
632 photos

Hasselblad 500
292 photos

108 photos

Bronica 135W
57 photos
Shooting 35mm film in a Bronica ETR

Contax S2
141 photos

Olympus XA
27 photos

Nikon F80
108 photos

Bronica RF645
119 photos

Fujifilm GA645Zi
110 photos

Pentax 645D
68 photos

RealitySoSubtle 6x17 Pinhole
10 photos

Sigma DP2x
28 photos

Minolta SR mount
79 photos

Canon EOS Film
344 photos

Canon EOS Digital
372 photos
Various Rebels, 5D2

11 photos

Fujica Half
34 photos

Diana Baby 110
14 photos

Sprocket Rocket
14 photos
Lomography camera

Halina Ansco Smile Taker trashcam
16 photos

Nikon Df
12 photos

The Rebel Lives!
7 photos
entering its third decade of operation

The unlikely Vivitar 20mm f/3.8
30 photos

Pentax 67 105mm f/2.4
45 photos
is it love or toxic radiation? baby's it's both but who cares

Zeiss Distagon T✻ 40mm f/4 CF FLE
83 photos

APS, a brief interlude
7 photos
Read my write-up here

Purple Half-o-ramas
7 photos
Fujica Half / LomoChrome Purple

stitched panoramas
17 photos
Photos made by putting together other photos