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User / CrazyBugLady / Sets / Rivers
Linda Peall / 78 items

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Taken looking towards the River Colne from Fingringhoe Wick.

Tags:   Fingringhoe Wick River Colne Posts River Beach Essex Essex Wildlife trust

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I don't know why, but something about this shot appeals to me even though it was taken on a dull, overcast day, and the light is nothing special!

Tags:   Hullbridge River Crouch Essex Boat Gulls swans Winter Dull Grey Yachts Ducks Moorings Beach Ripples Trees Pub Historic

N 0 B 498 C 9 E Feb 15, 2012 F Feb 15, 2012
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I decided that Hullbridge Slipway would probably look good in black and white - so here it is re-worked!

Tags:   Slipway River Crouch Gulls Boats River Water Buildings Ducks Yachts Ripples Beach Winter Essex Hullbridge Swans Flight Trees Moorings Smuggler's Den Pub Ancient Historic

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One man and his dog in contemplation by the River Crouch at South Woodham Ferrers.

It looks as if this could have been taken late one summer evening, but in fact it was taken in February!!!!! It was a gloriously sunny day, and unseasonably warm!

Tags:   Man Dog Boat River River Crouch Gulls Water Peaceful Essex South Woodham Ferrers Path Grass Light February Contemplation Companionship Resting Sitting Winter

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The tide was so high at South Woodham Ferrers this particular evening that these canoeists could enjoy the chance to explore the River Crouch where it leads into Woodham Fen

Tags:   River Crouch South Woodham Ferrers Evening Spring Pylon Canoeists Canoe Reflection
