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User / CrazyBugLady / Sets / Winter
Linda Peall / 83 items

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Taken at Wookey Hole in Somerset. Overnight amazing ice crystals formed near the entrance to the Wookey Hole Hotel, where we were staying! Each many branched crystal was only a few millimetres in size, so I was pleased to get this in focus!

Tags:   Ice Crystals Wookey Hole Somerset Frozen Winter Frost Chilly Cold Freezing Branching Sub Zero Macro Crystalline Frenzy Decepticon Transformers

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Daucus carota (common names include wild carrot, (UK) bird's nest, bishop's lace, and (US) Queen Anne's lace) is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae. At the moment there are many of these Wild Carrot Skeletons in the area of Woodham Fen.

(BTW the colour on this is as I took the photo, no colour manipulation at all!)

Tags:   South Woodham Ferrers Woodham Fen Wild Carrot Skeleton Winter Daucus carota Bird's Nest Bishop's Lace Queen Anne's Lace Essex Wildlife Trust Essex Monochrome

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I spotted this dried out flower head in St. James's Park, London. Although the glory of the original flower has faded, this winter seedhead still retains a faded beauty!

(BTW the colour on this is as I took the photo - no colour manipulation at all! - I love the sepia effect!)

Tags:   London Plants Park Winter Seedhead St. James's Park

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Taken while walking across farmland in the Essex countryside near Danbury Lakes

Tags:   Danbury Lakes Tree Essex Silhouette Clouds

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Common Gorse just coming into bud - I love the way this picture has such a cold feel to it - very appropriate as it was taken on a freezing cold day!

Tags:   Fingringhoe Wick Plants Common Gorse Ulex europaeus Essex Essex Wildlife Trust
