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User / CrazyBugLady / Sets / People
Linda Peall / 40 items

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No I have not been rock climbing!!!!!!

I was able to take this shot from the Giant's Cave in the side of the Avon Gorge overlooking the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

It gave me a great vantage point to take some photos of this climber making his way up the side of the Gorge!

Tags:   Giant's Cave Avon Gorge Rockface Climber Ascent Clifton Climbing Gear Harness Ropes

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One man and his dog in contemplation by the River Crouch at South Woodham Ferrers.

It looks as if this could have been taken late one summer evening, but in fact it was taken in February!!!!! It was a gloriously sunny day, and unseasonably warm!

Tags:   Man Dog Boat River River Crouch Gulls Water Peaceful Essex South Woodham Ferrers Path Grass Light February Contemplation Companionship Resting Sitting Winter

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Lovely to see this chap, and so many other people, out and about enjoying Hadleigh Country Park.

Tags:   Hadleigh Country Park Cyclist Cycling Bike Essex Spring Sunshine Outdoor Pursuits County Of Essex

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Lovely to see this gentleman enjoying doing some painting in Hadleigh Country Park

Tags:   Hadleigh Country Park Artist Painting Painter Sign Essex Hadleigh County Of Essex

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What an amazing sight! I've never seen a bike like this before! Just goes to show how provincial I am! Must visit the "Big Smoke" more often!!!!! ;-)

Tags:   London Traffic Bike Cyclist Velokraft
