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Linda Peall / 8 items

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The Constant Gardener aka my husband, Bob, for the Smile on Saturday challenge, Portray a Book Title!

The Constant Gardener is a 2001 novel by British author John le Carré. The novel tells the story of Justin Quayle, a British diplomat whose activist wife is murdered. Believing there is something behind the murder, he seeks to uncover the truth and finds an international conspiracy of corrupt bureaucracy and pharmaceutical money.

Tags:   Smile On Saturday! Portray A Book Title The Constant Gardener! Garden Wheelbarrow Tools Gardener Ipswich. Suffolk Bob Husband

N 0 B 520 C 3 E Mar 3, 2013 F Mar 9, 2013
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NogBaad the Intrepid navigating us round Canvey Island on a section of our River Thames/Thames Estuary explorations!

Tags:   NogBaad Map Canvey Island Essex Canvey Saltmarshes Sea Wall Hadleigh Ray River Thames Thames Estuary Saltmarshes County Of Essex

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My husband, Bob, and daughter, Philippa, got a LEGO Tower Bridge as their joint Christmas present, and here is the result!

Tags:   Tower Bridge LEGO Bob Peall Philippa Peall The Bridge Builders Family

N 2 B 601 C 6 E Mar 6, 2016 F Mar 6, 2016
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When our daughter Philippa was three years old she met a three year old Asian Elephant skeleton at the Natural History Museum in Oxford. Now she is studying for her Masters in Publishing at Oxford Brookes, and when we went over to see her this weekend we re-visited the Asian Elephant skeleton at the museum, and I think the pictures of the two encounters side by side speak volumes! Time flies!

Tags:   Philippa Daughter Museum Time Flies Oxford University Museum of Natural History Asian Elephant Skeleton

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My little family - me, my husband and daughter - reflected in The Knot by Richard Hudson.

Richard Hudson is a British sculptor known for his organic sculptures that are exhibited internationally and widely collected. “The Knot,” which was created in 2017 is made of mirrored stainless steel and is located in London's Canary Wharf!

Tags:   The Knot! Sculpture Richard Hudson Canary Wharf London England Reflections People Buildings Family Trees Pavement Urban
