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User / CrazyBugLady / Sets / Cocoons
Linda Peall / 3 items

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Any ideas what this is? Our best guess is a cocoon of some kind! Seen on Woodham Fen in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex.

Tags:   Cocoon Oak Leaf Caterpillar Skin Silk Woodham Fen South Woodham Ferrers Essex Essex Wildlife Trust Spring May 2014

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Isn't nature amazing! We spotted this tiny chrysalis tucked between two bricks on a wall! The beauty and detail of this transient little structure is awe inspiring! (If anyone knows the ID I'd be really interested to find out what will emerge from this! Could it be a Large White butterfly? Thanks!)

Tags:   South Woodham Ferrers Wall November Autumn 2014 Insect Pupa Essex Urban Chrysalis

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We are keeping an eye on several Large White chrysalises that are tucked away on a wall locally, but no sign of any activity yet!

Tags:   Chrysalis Large White Pieris brassicae Wall Spring 2015 March South Woodham Ferrers Essex
