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User / CrazyBugLady / Sets / Urban Safari
Linda Peall / 36 items

N 13 B 624 C 4 E Jun 17, 2016 F Jun 17, 2016
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Happy Snail Saturday everyone!

Tags:   Snail Snail Saturday Path Shadow South Woodham Ferrers Essex

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This Egyptian Goose in St. James's Park only seemd to havbe one gosling left, and it was not letting this little one out of its sight!

Tags:   London St James's Park Egyptian Goose Goose Gosling Bird Park Spring 2016 May Alopochen aegyptiacus Vigilance!

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Thanks to Timo, Dave and Bob for their help with confirming an ID for this moth - seen along the Embankment near Tate Britain! I had wondered if it is the Toadflax Brocade Moth (Calophasia lunula), but was hesitant because it is supposedly rare! However, Bob helpfully writes this moth "is in the process of colonising the UK and is now established in the London area."

According to the UK Moths website "As a resident species, this moth is restricted to the south-east and central southern coasts of England, where it frequents mainly shingle beaches.

It is a relatively recent colonist, arriving around 1950 and quickly gaining a foothold, but appears to be now in decline again.

It has two generations, sometimes overlapping, from May to August, and migrants sometimes appear away from the main stronghold in July and August.

The larvae, which feed on toadflax (Linaria spp.), are very colourful, but well camouflaged amongst the foodplant."

Tags:   Moth London Embankment Insect Invertebrate Spring 2016 May Noctuidae kannusruohoyökkönen

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As usual a trip to St. James's Park in London gave the opportunity to get some shots of the herons! This one was posing nicely amongst the daisies!

Tags:   London St James's Park Heron Grey Heron Bird Ardea cinerea Daisies Lake Spring 2016 May

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This parent swan was fiercely protective of its brood of cygnets, hissing menacingly at anything that came too near that it didn't like the look of - especially dogs that came too close to the waters edge! Thankfully it didn't seem to take exception to photographers ;-)

Tags:   London St James's Park Swan Cygnus olor Cygnets Family Proud Protector! Ripples Lake Water Spring 2016 May
