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User / RKop / Sets
Raphael Kopan / 178 items

1592 photos, 8 videos

Best of 2024
47 photos

Best of 2023
46 photos

Best of 2022
43 photos

Best of 2021
56 photos

Explored (Thanks :-))
213 photos, 1 video

86 photos
Closeup of birds are hard to get in thew wild...but sometimes, the wild animal accommodates the photographer. only the puffins were shot from a blind

Australia, 2013
127 photos

154 photos, 4 videos
Pantanal, Atlantic rain forest . Taken on a Awesome trip with Juan Carlos Vindas (Neotropic photo tours) www.neotropicphototours.com

Canada (Banff, New Brunswick)
53 photos

China, 2015
63 photos

Caribbean Islands
47 photos

Costa Rica 2023
296 photos, 1 video
Taken on a Awesome trip with Juan Carlos Vindas (Neotropic photo tours) www.neotropicphototours.com

20 photos

174 photos, 2 videos

Greece, Spain 2015
8 photos

19 photos

260 photos, 6 videos
We took three trips (the South, Aug 2018, winter trip to see the aurora near Reykjavik, and the north in 2021). Most likely a forth will occur as well... We simply fell in love.

Il Ciocco, Italy 2013
18 photos

76 photos

New Zealand, 2014
123 photos

Svalbard, NO
82 photos, 4 videos
arranged by date taken, oldest last

166 photos, 1 video
Portal. Patagonia, Madeira, Tucson Wilcox

25 photos

108 photos

10 photos

Armleder Park, Cincinnati
448 photos, 2 videos
76 species photographed in this park.

California Woods Park, Cincinnati
230 photos

323 photos, 1 video

Creve Coeur
56 photos, 1 video
the first 44 images are from St. Louis, the rest from Cincinnati.

614 photos

Magee Marsh, Ohio
82 photos

Forest Park, St. Louis, MO
194 photos

166 photos

81 photos

Red River Gorge
26 photos

Shawnee Lookout
23 photos

63 photos

Art, Street Art, Blink
37 photos, 2 videos

14 photos, 1 video

11 photos, 2 videos

>1000 views (Many Thanks!)
1132 photos, 12 videos

My personal favorites
645 photos, 4 videos

Aircraft, vintage
37 photos
These are all taken at Lunken airport in Cincinnati, on Labor day wham the CAF Airpower tour visits

93 photos

3 photos

Nikkor 200-500 ED VR
78 photos, 2 videos

Nikkor 600 f4E
53 photos

Minolta 600mm f4 APO G
393 photos
Sample images shot between 2013-2016

Sony 70400G SSM
1140 photos, 1 video
Sample images shot between 2012-2016

Sony 70300G SSM
615 photos, 2 videos
Sample images shot between 2009-2016

50 photos, 1 video

4 Seasons
36 photos
This set contains pics from all seasons at same location as well as other season-specific image from California Woods Park.

Architecture, Urban
61 photos, 1 video

Behavior series
587 photos, 12 videos

Camp Dennison
52 photos

Fungi, lochen, moss and plants
108 photos

213 photos, 1 video

Macro; Zerene Stacks
82 photos, 1 video
A new adventure for me- Macro photography enhanced by Zerene stacker. Unless otherwise stated, its a 90 mm manual Tamron Macro lens with Sony A77 body

Marine Mammals
30 photos, 3 videos
Whales, Dolphins, polar baer, seals, sea lions

Terrestrial Mammals
201 photos, 4 videos

242 photos

PSD folder
19 photos
This set contains images that have been manipulated in photoshop C5 beyond sharpness, noise, etc'

Reptiles & Amphibians
104 photos

Astronomy: Sunsets, sunrise, startrails, meteors,...
79 photos, 2 videos

Wide Angle
239 photos, 4 videos

Birds in flight
1592 photos, 12 videos

27 photos
Shy, Waved

6 photos
From Wiki: The antbirds are a large passerine bird family, Thamnophilidae, found across subtropical and tropical Central and South America, from Mexico to Argentina. There are more than 230 species,...

Avocet, Stilt
37 photos

Bald Eagle, other
203 photos, 2 videos

13 photos

Bee-eaters and related
17 photos
Bee-eaters, Motmot, Rollers. Kingfishers get their own album.

2 photos

65 photos

Boobies, Gannets
39 photos

3 photos

Buntings, Chat
85 photos
Indigo, Snow, Lazuli

4 photos

Carcid and realtions
14 photos
Curassow, Guan, Chachalacas

Cardinal and other feeder birds
69 photos

Cormorants, Anhinga
69 photos

Cranes, Limpkin
127 photos

Cuckoos and related
29 photos

19 photos

294 photos
Mallard, black, mottled, wigeon, Muskovy, Black-bellied whistling, long tail, harlequin, pintail, redhead, white cheek pintails, gadwall, ring neck, Bufflehead, Ruddy, shoveler, golden eye, paradise...

Ducks in flight
128 photos

Egret, Cattle
12 photos

Egret, Eastern Reef (Australia)
1 photo

Egret, Great
96 photos

Egret, Reddish
45 photos

Egret, Snowy
34 photos

Falcons (Peregrine, Kestrel, Merlin, and Caracara)
64 photos, 2 videos

8 photos, 1 video

Flycatchers (global), Kingbird and relatives
170 photos

Frigate birds, other pelagics
43 photos
Magnificent, great, lesser

75 photos
includes: Bar-headed, Barnacle, Brant, Canada, Cackling, Graylag, Great white-fronted, Pink-footed, Ross, Snow.

Grebes, Mergansers
140 photos, 5 videos

61 photos

85 photos

103 photos, 1 video
Northern, Hen (Europe),

Hawk, Cooper and Sharp-shined
53 photos

Hawk, Red Tail
83 photos

Hawk, Red-Shouldered
65 photos, 1 video

Hawk, other
24 photos, 1 video
White tailed, Swenson's, Galapagos Hawk,

Heron, boat billed &Tiger
10 photos

Heron, Green and related
57 photos
Green, Lava, Striated

Heron; Great Blue, Cocoi
123 photos, 1 video

Heron, Little blue
25 photos

Heron, Tricolor
43 photos

Heron, Squacco
4 photos

Heron, White faced (NZ, AU)
1 photo

Night Herons and related
50 photos
Yellow Crowned, Black Crowned, Capped

165 photos, 2 videos
Hummers from Costa Rica, Ecuador and USA. latest captures shown first, oldest are all ruby throated.

64 photos
(Glossy, white)

Icterids: Grackle, blackbirds, cowbirds, orioles...
204 photos
The Icterids includes the New World blackbirds, New World orioles, the bobolink, meadowlarks, grackles, cowbirds, oropendolas, and caciques.

Jays, Jackdaw, Ravans, and Crows
40 photos

10 photos

17 photos
(Horned, Sky, crested)

Long tailed Duck
33 photos
this album contains details of a behavior i have not seen in the literature- a scrum to pair a male and a female. My impression is that the female had a choice but the chosen male had to fight off...

29 photos

71 photos, 1 video
Belted, Pied, white breasted, green, amazon, common, Ringed

19 photos

6 photos

6 photos

Mockingbird, starlings
20 photos

Nightjars and realtions
7 photos

51 photos

Ostrich, Rhea and related
5 photos, 1 video

Owl (Barred)
54 photos, 1 video

Owl, Burrowing
13 photos

Owl (Great Horned)
154 photos, 4 videos
Most Owls in here were photographed in Forest park, STL or Cincinnati

Owl, Great Gray
1 photo

Owl (Long-eared)
4 photos

Owl, Hawk
8 photos

Owl (Screech, Pygmy)
19 photos, 1 video

Owl, Short Eared
70 photos, 1 video
sorted from newest to oldest, which is usually the first ever sighting or shot and poor IQ

owl, Snowy
33 photos, 2 videos
All owls were photographed in Ohio, within 2 hours from Cincinnati.

47 photos

Parrots, parakeets, lorikeets
36 photos

Pigeons, Dove
29 photos

60 photos

15 photos

Puffins, razorbills, other alcids
82 photos

Puffbirds and relations
4 photos

Rails, Coot, Gallinule
61 photos, 1 video

204 photos

Skimmers, Black
12 photos

Spoonbill, Eurasian
3 photos

Spoonbill, Roseate
78 photos

Swallows, swifts
59 photos

8 photos

18 photos, 1 video

Sparrows, Finches and relations
288 photos
Sparrows: House,American tree, eurasian tree, chipping, song, vesper, grasshopper, white crowned, white throated, fox, swamp, seaside, savanna, Henslow's, Nelson's, golden crown, field,...

54 photos
Wood Storks, Jabiru

8 photos

62 photos

86 photos
Blue Dacnis, Scarlet rumped, flame colored, silver throated, emerald, crimson-collared, gold hooded, palm, blue gray, yellow winged, summer, hepatic, western, flame rumped, scarlet,

29 photos
Blue wing, Green, Cinnamon

61 photos

Thrush, Thrasher, related
65 photos

tit, wrentit, bushtit, Chickadee, Verdin
49 photos, 1 video

Toucans and relations
23 photos
Toucans, aracari, barbet

Trogon, Quetzal and related
32 photos, 1 video

Turkey, Grouse, other Galliformes
63 photos

29 photos

Warblers, Vireos, Chat
629 photos, 1 video
Warbler species in order: 1) Connecticut Warbler, 2) Macgillivray's, 3} Blackburnian, 4) Orange crown, 5) Yellow rump,(myrtle then Audubon's), 5) Prothonotary, 6) American Redstart, 7) Painted...

Warblers, Best
376 photos, 1 video

32 photos

23 photos

Woodcock, Snipe
12 photos, 1 video

Woodcreepers and relations
1 photo
The woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptinae) comprise a subfamily of suboscine passerine birds endemic to the Neotropics. They have traditionally been considered a distinct family Dendrocolaptidae, but most...

Wood Ducks
38 photos

Woodpeckers, midwest
153 photos, 1 video
Downy, Hairy, Flicker (yellow shafted), Pleated, rose breasted, red headed, yellow breasted sapsucker

Woodpecker, NW U.S.A
2 photos

Woodpeckers, SW U.S.A
24 photos
Ledder Backed, Gila, Gilded, Arizona, Nuttall's, Acorn, Golden Fronted, Red-breasted sapsucker

woodpeckers, central and south America
14 photos

Wrens, nuthatches and creepers
64 photos
Carolina House Winter Cactus Bewick's Canyon Rock Marsh Brown treecreeper Short toped treecreeper Brown headed nuthatch White breasted nuthatch Red breasted nuthatch Chestnut bellied nuthatch