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User / Henryr10 / Sets
500 items

Steller's Sea Eagle
5 photos, 2 videos
Haliaeetus pelagicus

Great-tailed Grackle
2 photos, 3 videos
Quiscalus mexicanus

Western Meadowlark
7 photos
Sturnella neglecta

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
10 photos, 4 videos
Tyrannus forficatus

Phaon Crescent
2 photos, 1 video
Phyciodes phaon

9 photos, 4 videos
Melanitta americana

Elusive Clubtail
10 photos, 5 videos

5 videos

2 photos, 3 videos

3 photos, 7 videos
Xiphophorus maculatus X Xiphophorus variatus

4 photos, 3 videos

6 photos, 1 video

Roseline Shark
1 photo, 2 videos
Sahyadria denisonii

Clay-colored Sparrow
15 photos
Spizella pallida

11 photos

Piping Plover
23 photos, 5 videos
Charadrius melodus

Green Dragon
1 photo
Arisaema dracontium

Roseline Shark
1 photo, 6 videos

14 videos

15 videos

14 videos

Western Grebe
9 photos, 5 videos
Aechmophorus occidentalis

Iceland Gull
9 photos, 1 video
Larus glaucoides

14 videos

19 photos
Golden Retriever

4 photos, 1 video
Lestes australis

9 photos, 2 videos
Aramus guarauna

Ashy Clubtail
2 photos
Phanogomphus lividus

Orange Wing Moth
3 photos
Mellilla xanthometata

January 2023
4 photos
Trying for 50 different bird species in January. I only count them if I photograph them.

Rufous Hummingbird
34 photos, 7 videos
Selasphorus rufus

Rough Green Snake
18 photos, 3 videos
Opheodrys aestivus

American Avocet
86 photos, 27 videos
Recurvirostra americana

Marine Blue
9 photos, 2 videos
Leptotes marina

Snowy Egret
8 photos, 5 videos
Egretta thula

Midland Smooth Softshell
1 photo
Apalone mutica mutica

Pepper and Salt Skipper
11 photos
Amblyscirtes hegon

Westfall's Slender Bluet
8 photos, 1 video
Enallagma traviatum ssp. westfalli

Alder Flycatcher
2 photos, 3 videos
Empidonax alnorum

Green-striped Grasshopper
3 photos
Chortophaga viridifasciata

Lark Sparrow
8 photos, 4 videos
Chondestes grammacus

Scarlet Elf Cup
2 photos

Snowy Owl
28 photos, 13 videos
Bubo scandiacus

Cayuga Duck
2 photos, 3 videos

Allen's Hummingbird
33 photos, 5 videos
Selasphorus sasin

Black-legged Kittiwake
20 photos, 12 videos
Rissa tridactyla

Red Phalarope
6 photos, 7 videos
Phalaropus fulicarius

Cassius Blue
26 photos, 10 videos
Leptotes cassius

Black-shouldered Spinyleg
3 photos
Dromogomphus spinosus

Broad-headed Skink
6 photos
Plestiodon laticeps

Long-tailed Jaeger
17 photos, 4 videos
Stercorarius longicaudus

Buff-breasted Sandpiper
10 photos, 4 videos
Calidris subruficollis

Indian Pipe Plant
2 photos
Monotropa uniflora

Duckweed Firetail
6 photos, 1 video
Telebasis byersi

B-29 Superfortress
6 photos, 1 video

Laphria thoracica
4 photos, 2 videos

50 photos, 22 videos
Porzana carolina

Common Nighthawk
2 photos
Chordeiles minor

Little Blue Heron 2021
15 photos, 11 videos
Egretta caerulea at Ellis Lake Wetlands on Memorial Day.

Creamy Violet
3 photos
Viola striata

Grapevine Epimenis
9 photos

Rue Anemone
2 photos

Giant Leopard Moth
2 photos
Hypercompe scribonia

5 photos
Pepper and Salt Erigenia bulbosa

Eastern Skunk Cabbage
28 photos, 3 videos
Symplocarpus Foetidus

Yellow-Bellied Slider
6 photos
Trachemys scripta scripta

Western Chorus Frog
51 photos, 14 videos
Pseudacris triseriata triseriata

Purple Sandpiper
15 photos, 6 videos
Calidris maritima

Western Taiga gambelii White-crowned Sparrow
4 photos
Zonotrichia leucophrys ssp gambelii Gambel’s (Western Taiga)

Trachycarpus fortunei
4 photos
Chinese windmill palm, windmill palm, Chusan palm

Mandarin Duck
7 photos, 8 videos
Aix galericulata

Rough-legged Hawk
13 photos, 3 videos
Buteo lagopus

Bryozoan (Moss Animal)
12 photos, 1 video
Pectinatella magnifica

3 photos

Royal River Cruiser
28 photos, 4 videos
Macromia taeniolata

Backyard 2020
17 photos
Covid Works

Efferia albibarbis
5 photos, 1 video
Robber Fly

Gnat Ogre
9 photos

Least Bittern
21 photos, 14 videos
Ixobrychus exilis

Red Swamp Crayfish
8 photos, 2 videos
Procambarus clarkii

Common Gallinule
19 photos, 4 videos

6 photos

Confused Haploa Moth
1 photo
Haploa confusa

Pronghorn Clubtail
4 photos, 1 video
Phanogomphus graslinellus

Bath Cabinet
20 photos
Made from old crates, a door we salvaged and a toilet paper hanger someone gave us.

River Cooter
12 photos
Pseudemys concinna

Northern Map Turtle
7 photos
Graptemys geographica

Short-billed Dowitcher
9 photos, 2 videos
Limnodromus griseus

Black-billed Cuckoo
3 photos
Coccyzus erythropthalmus

Bank Swallow
9 photos, 2 videos
Riparia riparia

Glossy Ibis
9 photos, 2 videos
Plegadis falcinellus

Upland Sandpiper
3 photos, 3 videos

6 photos
Lindera benzoin

9 photos

15 photos

Pacific Loon
12 photos, 3 videos
Gavia pacifica

99 photos

Surf Scoter
27 photos, 11 videos
Melanitta perspicillata

Long-billed Dowitcher
24 photos, 8 videos
Limnodromus scolopaceus

Stilt Sandpiper
24 photos, 12 videos
Calidris himantopus

Musa Basjoo
26 photos
Hardy banana

Red-necked Phalarope
13 photos
Phalaropus lobatus

Brilliant Jumping Spider
1 photo
Phidippus clarus

Chinese Praying Mantis
5 photos, 1 video
Tenodera sinensis

Periodical Cicadas
10 photos
Magicicada spp

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
29 photos, 17 videos
Nyctanassa violacea

Penitent Underwing Moth
1 photo
Catocala piatrix

Swift Setwing
10 photos, 5 videos
Dythemis velox

Clymene Moth
3 photos, 1 video
Haploa clymene

Meadowhawk species
15 photos

Sweetflag Spreadwing
9 photos, 1 video
Lestes forcipatus Hamilton County, OH Record

Comet Darner
24 photos, 8 videos
Anax longipes

Paiute Dancer
6 photos
Argia alberta

Small Purple Fringed Orchid
7 photos
Platanthera psycodes

1 photo

Swift Feather-legged Fly
8 photos, 1 video
Trichopoda pennipes

Leconte's Haploa
4 photos
Haploa lecontei

Chimney Swift
14 photos, 1 video
Chaetura pelagica

Eastern Box Turtle
15 photos
Terrapene carolina carolina

Dreamy Duskywing
2 photos
Erynnis icelus

Wilson's Phalarope
17 photos, 14 videos

Silky Ant
3 photos, 1 video
Formica subsericea

Sleepy Duskywing
11 photos, 1 video
Erynnis brizo

Whirligig Beetles
1 photo, 1 video

Golden Bee Fly
3 photos
Lordotus zona

Red-throated Loon
4 photos, 7 videos
Gavia stellata

3 photos, 1 video
Mephitis mephitis

Brown-headed Nuthatch
5 photos
Sitta pusilla

Lancet Clubtail
5 photos, 1 video
Phanogomphus exilis

Midland Clubtail
43 photos, 8 videos
Gomphurus fraternus

Long-tailed Duck
18 photos, 17 videos
Clangula hyemalis

Honey Bee
3 videos
Apis mellifera

Short-eared Owl
8 photos
Asio flammeus

Little Gull
6 photos, 3 videos
Hydrocoloeus minutus

Imperial Moth caterpillar
7 photos
Eacles imperialis

Marsh Wren
8 photos, 1 video
Cistothorus palustris

Pandorus Sphinx Moth
2 photos, 1 video
Eumorpha pandorus

Olive-sided Flycatcher
5 photos
Contopus cooperi

Straight-Lanced Meadow Katydid
4 photos
Conocephalus strictus

2 photos
Microcentrum rhombifolium

Red-Legged Grasshopper
3 photos
Melanoplus femurrubrum

Common Tree Cricket
4 photos

Western Sandpiper
3 photos, 1 video
Calidris mauri

Hitched Arches
3 photos, 1 video
Melanchra adjuncta

Common Scorpionfly
3 photos

Beet Webwom Moth
1 photo
Spoladea recurvalis

Baird's Sandpiper
7 photos, 4 videos
Calidris bairdii

Great Spreadwing
5 photos, 1 video
Archilestes grandis

Carolina Satyr
10 photos, 1 video
Hermeuptychia sosybius

Broad-winged Hawk
13 photos
Buteo platypterus

Curved Tooth Geometer Moth
4 photos, 2 videos
Purplishbrown Looper Eutrapela clemataria

Snowy Urola
2 photos
Urola nivalis

Oleander aphids
4 photos
Aphis nerii

Unexpected Cycnia
5 photos
Cycnia inopinatus

9 photos, 4 videos
Tringa semipalmata

Mississippi Kite
8 photos, 3 videos
Ictinia mississippiensis

Red-headed Bush Cricket
1 photo
Phyllopalpus pulchellus

Common Five-Lined Skink
11 photos
Plestiodon fasciatus AKA Blue-tailed Skink

Eastern Dobsonfly
3 photos, 1 video
Corydalus cornutus

68 photos, 20 videos
Calidris alba

Purple Martin
40 photos, 8 videos
Progne subis

Henslow's Sparrow
22 photos, 3 videos
Ammodramus henslowii

Calico Pennant
59 photos, 16 videos
Celithemis elisa

Small Green Wood Orchid
3 photos
Platanthera clavellata

Horned Bladderwort
5 photos
Utricularia cornuta

Green-legged Spur-throat Grasshopper
3 photos
Melanoplus viridipes

6 photos

Round-leaved Sundew
15 photos
Drosera rotundifolia

Michigan Lily
5 photos
Lilium michiganense

Grass-pink orchid
6 photos
Calopogon tuberosus

Appalachian Brown
10 photos, 5 videos
Satyrodes appalachia

Swainson's Warbler
7 photos, 1 video
Limnothlypis swainsonii

Worm-eating Warbler
15 photos, 2 videos
Helmitheros vermivorum

Elfin Skimmer
37 photos, 8 videos
Nannothemis bella

Eastern Red Damsel
31 photos, 6 videos
Amphiagrion saucium

Seepage Dancer
12 photos
Argia bipunctulata

Carolina Grasshopper
6 photos
Dissosteira carolina

Differential grasshopper
1 photo
Melanoplus differentialis

American Bird Grasshopper
4 photos
Schistocerca americana

Baltimore Checkerspot
59 photos, 20 videos
Euphydryas phaeton

Gray-cheeked Thrush
11 photos, 2 videos
Catharus minimus

7 photos, 3 videos
Catharus fuscescens

Golden-winged Warbler
18 photos
Vermivora chrysoptera

Blue-winged Warbler
59 photos, 4 videos
Vermivora cyanoptera

Painted Bunting
3 photos, 2 videos
Passerina ciris

Viola canadensis
2 photos
Canada Violet

Cardamine concatenata
1 photo
Cutleaf Toothwort

Viola sororia
3 photos
Common Blue Violet

Phlox divaricata
3 photos
Wild Blue Phlox

Viola pubescens
2 photos
Downy Yellow Violet Smooth Yellow Violet

Stellaria pubera
1 photo
Star Chickweed

Dicentra canadensis
10 photos
Squirrel Corn

Trillium grandiflorum
10 photos
Large-flowered Trillium

Woods Poppy
4 photos
Stylophorum diphyllum AKA Celandine Poppy

Pine Warbler
56 photos, 11 videos
Setophaga pinus

American Mink
2 photos, 3 videos
Neovison vison

Trumpeter Swan
14 photos, 5 videos
Cygnus buccinator

Horned Grebe
46 photos, 21 videos
Podiceps auritus

Snow Bunting
80 photos, 20 videos
Plectrophenax nivalis

Lapland Longspur
31 photos, 7 videos
Calcarius lapponicus

Yard Birds
68 photos, 1 video
Birds shot on our small property.

3 photos

Obedient Plant
9 photos
Physostegia virginiana Mint family (Lamiaceae)

King Eider
13 photos, 5 videos
Somateria spectabilis

Winter Wren
20 photos, 2 videos
Troglodytes hiemalis

Eared Grebe
11 photos, 13 videos
Podiceps nigricollis

American White Pelican
27 photos, 14 videos
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

Franklin's Gull
41 photos, 12 videos
Leucophaeus pipixcan

Dryad's Saddle
5 photos
Polyporus squamosus

138 photos, 31 videos
Calidris alpina

Nelson's Sparrow
11 photos
Ammodramus nelsoni

Sedge Wren
14 photos, 2 videos
Cistothorus platensis

Shadow Darner
17 photos, 4 videos
Aeshna umbrosa

American Golden-Plover
29 photos, 3 videos
Pluvialis dominica

Wilson's Warbler
16 photos
Cardellina pusilla

Hooded Warbler
38 photos, 5 videos
Setophaga citrina

10 photos
Hagenius brevistylus

Neotropic Cormorant
13 photos, 5 videos
Phalacrocorax brasilianus

Black Tern
49 photos, 14 videos
Chlidonias niger

Common Tern
55 photos, 10 videos
Sterna hirundo

White-rumped Sandpiper
38 photos, 8 videos
Calidris fuscicollis

Little Blue Heron
37 photos, 29 videos
Egretta caerulea

Assassin Bug
1 photo
Zelus tetracanthus

Black Blister Beetle
4 photos
Epicauta pennsylvanica

Forster's Tern
52 photos, 4 videos
Sterna forsteri

Caspian Tern
144 photos, 16 videos
Hydroprogne caspia

Laughing Gull
41 photos, 3 videos
Leucophaeus atricilla

Dense Blazing Star
4 photos
Liatris spicata

White Sweet Clover
6 photos
Melilotus alba Invasive introduced plant

Oxeye Sunflower
4 photos
Heliopsis helianthoides

Scurf Pea
5 photos
Orbexilum onobrychis AKA: French Grass

Wild Senna
4 photos
Senna hebecarpa

Canada Burnet
3 photos
Sanguisorba canadensis

Grey-headed Coneflower
7 photos
Ratibida pinnata AKA: Pinnate Prairie Coneflower

Phantom Crane Fly
8 photos
Bittacomorpha clavipes

Blue-ringed Dancer
24 photos, 3 videos
Argia sedula

Royal Catchfly
15 photos
Silene regia

4 photos
Filipendula rubra

Whorled Rosinweed
6 photos
Silphium trifoliatum

Common Rose Pink
4 photos
Sabatia angularis

6 photos
Ludwigia alternifolia

Partridge Pea
8 photos
Chamaecrista fasciculata

Virginia Mountain Mint
8 photos
Pycnanthemum virginianum

4 photos
Prunella vulgaris

Lanceleaf Fogfruit
6 photos
Phyla lanceolata

Downy Sunflower
20 photos
Helianthus mollis

Illinois Bundleflower
9 photos
Desmanthus illinoensis

19 photos
Silphium integrifolium

American Elderberry
4 photos
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis

Yellow Ironweed
5 photos
Wingstem Verbesina alternifolia

Wild Bergamot
21 photos
Monarda fistulosa

Cutleaf Teasel
11 photos
Dipsacus laciniatus

Common Teasel
11 photos
Dipsacus fullonum subsp. sylvestris

Wood Boring Beetle
2 photos

Eastern Purple Coneflower
2 photos
Echinacea purpurea

Bee Assassin
3 photos
Apiomerus crassipes

Scaly Blazing Star
7 photos
Liatris squarrosa

Clamp-tipped Emerald
7 photos
Somatochlora tenebrosa

9 photos
Cephalanthus occidentalis

Broad-Leaved Pondweed
9 photos
Potamogeton natans

Great Blue Skimmer
50 photos, 22 videos
Libellula vibrans

Northern Leopard Frog
26 photos
Lithobates pipiens

Giant Ragweed
1 photo
Ambrosia trifida

Mason Wasp
1 photo
Pseudodynerus quadrisectus

Rattlesnake Master
28 photos, 4 videos
Eryngium yuccifolium

Compass Plant
6 photos
Silphium laciniatum

Black-eyed Susan
3 photos
Rudbeckia hirta

Broad-necked Root Borer Beetle
3 photos
Prionus laticollis

Prairie Dock
8 photos
Silphium terebinthinaceum

Short Green Milkweed
6 photos
Asclepias viridiflora

Whorled Milkweed
10 photos
Asclepias verticillata

Blue Vined Milkweed
2 photos
Cynanchum laeve Honeyvine

Swamp Milkweed
17 photos, 3 videos
Asclepias incarnata

Common Milkweed
13 photos
Asclepias syriaca

2 photos
Anemone virginiana

3 photos
Aristolochia tomentosa

American Columbo
4 photos
Frasera caroliniensis

Butterfly Milkweed
14 photos
Asclepias tuberosa

Pale-Spiked Lobelia
4 photos
Lobelia spicata

Allegheny Mound Ants
6 photos, 4 videos
Formica exsectoides

Yellow and Black Lichen Moth
2 photos
Lycomorpha pholus

Southern Cloudywing
11 photos
Thorybes bathyllus

Gray Petaltail
2 photos
Tachopteryx thoreyi

Edwards' Hairstreak
22 photos, 3 videos
Satyrium edwardsii

Coral Hairstreak
4 photos
Satyrium titus

Northern Metalmark
26 photos, 2 videos
Calephelis borealis

Arrowhead Spiketail
6 photos, 2 videos
Cordulegaster obliqua

Flag-tailed Spinyleg
64 photos, 9 videos
Dromogomphus spoliatus

Kentucky Warbler
36 photos, 10 videos
Geothlypis formosa

Hayhurst’s Scallopwing
7 photos, 1 video
Staphylus hayhurstii AKA Scalloped Sootywing

Northern Spring Peeper
9 photos, 5 videos
Pseudacris crucifer crucifer

Stream Bluet
18 photos, 1 video
Enallagma exsulans

Laphria janus
10 photos
Bee Mimic Robber Fly

Laphria flavicollis
5 photos
Bee Mimic Robber Fly

29 photos, 2 videos
Bee Mimic Robber Fly

Eastern Raccoon
5 photos, 3 videos
Procyon lotor

Thick-headed Fly
5 photos
Physocephala tibialis

Ammophila pictipennis
4 photos
Brown Thread-waisted Wasp

Six-spotted Fishing Spider
7 photos
Dolomedes triton (brown phase)

Ruby Meadowhawk
9 photos, 1 video
Sympetrum rubicundulum

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
15 photos, 6 videos
Dendrocygna autumnalis

Bell's Vireo
8 photos, 3 videos
Vireo bellii

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
20 photos, 1 video
Empidonax flaviventris

Black-bellied Plover
11 photos, 4 videos
Pluvialis squatarola

Semipalmated Sandpiper
51 photos, 11 videos
Calidris pusilla

Semipalmated Plover
51 photos, 14 videos
Charadrius semipalmatus

40 photos, 2 videos
Feniseca tarquinius

Blue-headed Vireo
22 photos, 4 videos
Vireo solitarius

Cape May Warbler
57 photos, 6 videos
Setophaga tigrina

Grasshopper Sparrow
61 photos, 12 videos
Ammodramus savannarum

27 photos, 4 videos
Dolichonyx oryzivorus

Cerulean Warbler
33 photos, 3 videos
Setophaga cerulea

Wood Thrush
8 photos, 1 video
Hylocichla mustelina

White-eyed Vireo
21 photos, 4 videos
Vireo griseus

Trillium luteum
12 photos
Yellow trillium

Prairie Warbler
99 photos, 30 videos
Setophaga discolor

Trillium flexipes
19 photos
Drooping Trillium

White Trout Lily
10 photos
Erythronium albidum

Yellow Trout Lily
24 photos
Erythronium americanum

Western Cattle Egret
36 photos, 17 videos
Bubulcus ibis

Louisiana waterthrush
48 photos, 17 videos
Parkesia motacilla

Trillium sessile
32 photos
Toad Trillium Toadshade

Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
10 photos
Cicindela sexguttata

American Pipit
55 photos, 28 videos
Anthus rubescens

Tundra Swan
41 photos, 8 videos
Cygnus columbianus

8 photos, 3 videos
Canis latrans

Muscovy Duck
6 photos
'Wild' Domestic Ducks

Domestic Greylag Goose
16 photos
Anser anser

Black-crowned Night-Heron
38 photos, 9 videos
Nycticorax nycticorax

Fernald Nature Reserve
98 photos, 1 video

Rock Pigeon
2 photos
Columba livia

23 photos, 8 videos
Falco columbarius

Mute Swan
53 photos, 5 videos
Cygnus olor

Cackling Goose
33 photos, 13 videos
Branta hutchinsii

Rusty Blackbird
99 photos, 43 videos
Euphagus carolinus

Common Loon
130 photos, 73 videos
Gavia immer

Sandhill Crane
254 photos, 49 videos
Antigone canadensis

Horned Lark
168 photos, 52 videos
Eremophila alpestris

Ruddy Duck
32 photos, 14 videos
Oxyura jamaicensis

10 photos
Branta bernicla

Golden-crowned Kinglet
101 photos, 11 videos
Regulus satrapa

Orange-crowned Warbler
13 photos
Oreothlypis celata

Red-breasted Nuthatch
41 photos, 3 videos
Sitta canadensis

Swamp Sparrow
80 photos, 1 video
Melospiza georgiana

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
153 photos, 16 videos
Regulus calendula

Yellow-throated Warbler
132 photos, 13 videos
Setophaga dominica

Lincoln's Sparrow
80 photos, 6 videos
Melospiza lincolnii

Nashville Warbler
63 photos, 2 videos
Oreothlypis ruficapilla

Blackburnian Warbler
121 photos, 8 videos
Setophaga fusca

Red Knot
7 photos
Calidris canutus

Ruddy Turnstone
43 photos, 7 videos
Arenaria interpres

29 photos, 4 videos
Seiurus aurocapilla

Canada Warbler
23 photos, 1 video
Cardellina canadensis

Black-throated Blue Warbler
15 photos, 1 video
Setophaga caerulescens

Yellow-throated Vireo
45 photos, 2 videos
Vireo flavifrons

Black-throated Green Warbler
106 photos, 4 videos
Setophaga virens

Black-and-white Warbler
103 photos, 8 videos
Mniotilta varia

Eastern Wood-Pewee
16 photos, 1 video
Contopus virens

Catalpa Sphinx Moth
5 photos
'Catalpa Worm' Ceratomia catalpae

Mourning Warbler
16 photos
Geothlypis philadelphia

Wandering Glider
27 photos, 3 videos
Pantala flavescens

Red Saddlebags
14 photos, 2 videos
Tramea onusta

Sharp-shinned Hawk
10 photos, 1 video
Accipiter striatus

Giant Robberfly
2 photos
Promachus hinei

Russet-tipped Clubtail
20 photos, 1 video
Stylurus plagiatus

Swift River Cruiser
14 photos
Macromia illinoiensis

Yellow-billed Cuckoo
84 photos, 21 videos
Coccyzus americanus

Green June Beetle
5 photos
Cotinis nitida

Bald Robber Fly
13 photos
Diogmites neoternatus

Spot-winged Glider
30 photos, 4 videos
Pantala hymenaea

Squash Vine Borer
4 photos
Melittia cucurbitae

White M Hairstreak
4 photos
Parrhasius m-album

135 photos, 29 videos
Spiza americana

Reversed Haploa Moth
1 photo
Haploa reversa

Blanchard's Cricket Frog
10 photos, 1 video
Acris crepitans blanchardi

Willow Flycatcher
37 photos, 9 videos
Empidonax traillii

Common Yellowthroat
90 photos, 5 videos
Geothlypis trichas

Red-headed Woodpecker
109 photos, 26 videos
Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Laphria virginica
2 photos

Acadian Flycatcher
30 photos, 6 videos
Empidonax virescens

Northern Parula
113 photos, 8 videos
Setophaga americana

Bay-breasted Warbler
154 photos, 10 videos
Setophaga castanea

Tennessee Warbler
119 photos, 17 videos
Oreothlypis peregrina

Great Crested Flycatcher
32 photos, 14 videos
Myiarchus crinitus

Northern Waterthrush
27 photos, 8 videos
Parkesia noveboracensis

Philadelphia Vireo
85 photos, 4 videos
Vireo philadelphicus

157 photos, 19 videos
Pandion haliaetus

Summer Tanager
47 photos, 6 videos
Piranga rubra

Chestnut-sided Warbler
61 photos, 3 videos
Setophaga pensylvanica

Yellow-breasted Chat
53 photos, 5 videos
Icteria virens

Yellow Warbler
85 photos, 12 videos
Setophaga petechia

Red-eyed Vireo
65 photos, 4 videos
Vireo olivaceus

American Redstart
77 photos, 4 videos
Setophaga ruticilla

Swainson's Thrush
40 photos, 1 video
Catharus ustulatus

Magnolia Warbler
89 photos, 3 videos
Setophaga magnolia

Spotted Sandpiper
39 photos, 11 videos
Actitis macularius

Blackpoll Warbler
54 photos, 4 videos
Setophaga striata

Barn Swallow
18 photos
Hirundo rustica

Rose-breasted Grosbeak
88 photos, 15 videos
Pheucticus ludovicianus

Least Flycatcher
13 photos
Empidonax minimus

Baltimore Oriole
65 photos, 8 videos
Icterus galbula

Least Sandpiper
102 photos, 21 videos
Calidris pusilla

Scarlet Tanager
55 photos, 12 videos
Piranga olivacea

Northern Rough-winged Swallow
42 photos, 12 videos

Warbling Vireo
76 photos, 6 videos
Vireo gilvus

Palm Warbler
201 photos, 14 videos
Setophaga palmarum

House Wren
51 photos, 10 videos
Troglodytes aedon

American Bittern
5 photos
Botaurus lentiginosus

Lesser Yellowlegs
45 photos, 17 videos
Tringa flavipes

Prothonotary Warbler
112 photos, 17 videos
Protonotaria citrea

Fowler's Toad
20 photos

Savannah Sparrow
47 photos, 8 videos
Passerculus sandwichensis

Greater Yellowlegs
96 photos, 12 videos
Tringa melanoleuca

Epalpus signifer
6 photos

Meadow Fritillary
25 photos, 1 video
Boloria bellona

Black Vulture
33 photos
Coragyps atratus

Pectoral Sandpiper
81 photos, 8 videos
Calidris melanotos

White-tailed Deer
107 photos, 2 videos
Odocoileus virginianus

Wilson's Snipe
75 photos, 18 videos
Gallinago delicata

Great Egret
124 photos, 22 videos
Ardea alba

"North American River Otter"
13 photos, 4 videos
Lontra canadensis

Greater Bee Fly
17 photos
Bombylius major

Double-crested Cormorant
62 photos, 4 videos
Phalacrocorax auritus

Blue-winged Teal
86 photos, 16 videos
Anas discors

Vesper Sparrow
51 photos, 4 videos
Pooecetes gramineus

Wood Duck
174 photos, 78 videos
Aix sponsa

10th Mountain Division
18 photos
Fort Drum

Northern Harrier
118 photos, 19 videos
Circus cyaneus

Green-winged Teal
64 photos, 11 videos
Anas crecca

Eastern Red-spotted Newt
3 photos
Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens

46 photos, 6 videos

Eastern Fox Squirrel
17 photos, 1 video
Sciurus niger

White-throated Sparrow (Tan Stripe)
29 photos, 1 video
Zonotrichia albicollis

Hermit Thrush
49 photos, 9 videos
Catharus guttatus

Great Horned Owl
68 photos, 13 videos
Bubo virginianus

Pine Siskin
53 photos, 7 videos
Spinus pinus

Purple Finch
67 photos, 5 videos
Haemorhous purpureus

North American Beaver
18 photos, 10 videos
Castor canadensis

Snow Goose Blue Morph
46 photos, 24 videos
Chen caerulescens

Bald Eagle
382 photos, 48 videos
Haliaeetus leucocephalus

43 photos, 12 videos
Bucephala albeola

Greater White-fronted Goose
53 photos, 20 videos
Anser albifrons

American Wigeon
39 photos, 4 videos
Anas americana

Hooded Merganser
57 photos, 14 videos
Lophodytes cucullatus

Belted Kingfisher
70 photos, 15 videos
Megaceryle alcyon

Snow Goose White Morph
95 photos, 42 videos
Chen caerulescens

American Tree Sparrow
81 photos, 9 videos
Spizella arborea

American Kestrel
119 photos, 15 videos
Falco sparverius

White-crowned Sparrow
95 photos, 4 videos
Zonotrichia leucophrys

Ross's Goose
83 photos, 23 videos
Chen rossii

Fox Sparrow
81 photos, 17 videos
Passerella iliaca

Lesser Black-backed Gull
67 photos, 18 videos
Larus fuscus

Bonaparte's Gull
116 photos, 25 videos
Chroicocephalus philadelphia

Winnie Mae
4 photos, 1 video
Authentic 1930s Sternwheeler Towboat Winnie Mae is a 1936 112 ft X 24 luxury stern wheel"river yacht". Currently docked in Pittsburgh. Excellent year round live-a-board with diesel heat and...

Eastern Chipmunk
6 photos, 1 video
Tamias striatus

Northern Pintail
79 photos, 21 videos
Anas acuta

Holiday Lights 2015
23 photos

Dark-eyed Junco
44 photos, 6 videos
Junco hyemalis

American Black Duck
46 photos, 3 videos
Anas rubripes

European Starling
29 photos, 1 video
Sturnus vulgaris

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
122 photos, 34 videos
Sphyrapicus varius

Rebuilt Main Walkway
45 photos

Lunar Eclipse
3 photos

Morris Bench
19 photos

Goldenrod Soldier Beetle
4 photos
Chauliognathus pensylvanicus AKA Pennsylvania Leatherwing

Northern Shoveler
66 photos, 26 videos
Anas clypeata

Hairy Woodpecker
53 photos, 6 videos
Picoides villosus

Annual Cicada
12 photos, 3 videos
Tibicen chloromera

Thread-waisted Wasp
12 photos
Eremnophila aureonotata

Milkweed Tussock Moth
7 photos
Euchaetes egle

American Dagger Moth
3 photos
Acronicta americana

Nessus Sphinx Moth
8 photos, 1 video
Amphion floridensis

Eastern Kingbird
62 photos, 1 video
Tyrannus tyrannus

Melissodes bimaculata
4 photos
Two-spotted Long-horned Bee

European Wool Carder Bee
5 photos
Anthidium manicatum

1 photo

Clubbed Mydas Fly
7 photos, 1 video
Mydas clavatus

70 photos

Prince Baskettail
39 photos, 1 video
Epitheca princeps

Banded Longhorn Beetle
5 photos
Typocerus velutinus

Green Heron
114 photos, 36 videos
Butorides virescens

Perplexing Bumblebee
6 photos
Bombus perplexus

Red Milkweed Beetle
9 photos
Tetraopes tetrophthalmus

Cecropia Silkmoth
1 photo
Hyalophora cecropia

Cliff Swallow
43 photos, 2 videos
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota

Powdered Dancer
95 photos, 4 videos
Argia moesta

Eupatorium Borer Moth
2 photos
Ironweed Clearwing Moth Carmenta bassiformis

Wheel Bug
7 photos
Arilus cristatus

Northern Water Snake
23 photos, 6 videos
Nerodia sipedon sipedon AKA Common Watersnake

Eastern Ratsnake
22 photos, 2 videos
Pantherophis alleghaniensis

Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle
9 photos, 3 videos
Apalone spinifera spinifera

Orange Bluet
30 photos, 2 videos
Enallagma signatum

Swamp Darner
10 photos, 2 videos
Epiaeschna heros

Soldier Beetle
1 photo
Chauliognathus spp.

Eastern Phoebe
103 photos, 2 videos
Sayornis phoebe

Snapping Turtle
18 photos, 10 videos
Chelydra serpentina

Common Baskettail
49 photos
Epitheca cynosura

Postman Butterfly
2 photos
Heliconius erato

Blue Corporal
35 photos, 2 videos
Ladona deplanata

Field Sparrow
41 photos, 2 videos
Spizella pusilla